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Jihoon looked at the message that he sent to Hyunsuk. He sent him a picture of a movie tickets to Hyunsuk about almost 20 minutes ago. But Hyunsuk haven't even read the message even though Hyunsuk's phone already received the message. Jihoon decided to call Hyunsuk.

First attempt, Hyunsuk didn't picked up the call and it went to the voice mailbox. Jihoon tried again. For second and third tries, Hyunsuk rejected the call. Jihoon sighed and tried again. This time, it took a few minutes until Hyunsuk finally answered his call.

"Hm" Hyunsuk hummed at the end of the line. Judging from his voice, seems like Hyunsuk haven't even really woken up yet.

"Wake up, Choi Hyunsuk. It's almost noon already," Jihoon said.

"Hm?" Hyunsuk sounded like he's surprised. "Ah. It's you. Guess who made me stay up late to clean up his mess for whole two days this week?"

After their Mr Min asked Hyunsuk to took over Jihoon's sales and the case he had with the client who accused Jihoon of scamming him, Hyunsuk barely get any sleep. Hyunsuk had to do overtime till almost midnight and continue to finish his work at home as the clients and his superiors want the reports and everything ready the very next morning. Yes, Hyunsuk should've at least asked Jihoon for help, since it's his clients and his problems even though Mr Min told him to stay away from that scope of works but Hyunsuk didn't.

Why? Because he had his own ego. Knowing that he's an Omega, making Hyunsuk a bit depressed. Because he really thought that he'll be the Alpha just like his older brother. And knowing that he's an Omega make Hyunsuk felt like he's inferior from any other people around him. Plus, he had a secondary gender's disorder. Hyunsuk felt like he should just not being born when he knew it. But with Jihoon being around and declaring to be his rival during that point of his life, making Hyunsuk has a purpose and want to defeat him in anything.

That's why, asking Jihoon for a help is definitely out of the option from the very start. Yes. Hyunsuk did manage to finished every task but his body definitely worn out from all of the overtime, overwork, lack of sleep and not eating well for past few days.

"Look at my message now," Jihoon commanded.

"I saw it already," Hyunsuk said. "You messaged me,"

"Open the message right now, Choi Hyunsuk. I know you haven't even look at it," Jihoon said. "I give you 10 minutes or else, it's not yours anymore and you'll definitely be regret,"

Jihoon ended the call right after that. While Hyunsuk who's still on his bed, lazily opened Jihoon's message. His eyes widened as he saw the picture that Jihoon sent to him. Now he's fully awake.

-Diamond Mall. I'll only wait for 5 minutes

Hyunsuk get up from his bed and get ready as he saw the new message that Jihoon just sent to him. He just took any shirt and pants that he saw and put it on. He's brain is not awake enough to think about his style for today.

"You almost lose your chance, Choi Hyunsuk," Jihoon said as Hyunsuk already stood in front of him, trying to catch his breath after running toward Jihoon in that shopping mall. There's a lot of people who're looking at him. But Hyunsuk didn't care. He need that tickets.

"How did you get that tickets? Is it even legit?" Hyunsuk asked after his breath already stable enough for him to talk. Jihoon took out the tickets. Hyunsuk's eyes sparkled as he saw the tickets. He has been struggling to get his hand on that thing. The ticket of the premiere screening of the latest Marvel movie. "You don't even watch Marvel. How did you get that?"

"This? It's legit I guess. I got it from one of my client and I've confirmed it with the staffs at the cinema," Jihoon said. "I was about to ask any girl who want to watch it with me. You know how this cost, right? I saw many girls who want to watch this. Or I should just sell both?"

"Yes. Just sell them both. To me. I'll buy it," Hyunsuk said.

"You're just one person, Choi Hyunsuk. You don't need two tickets," Jihoon chuckled. Hyunsuk pouted unintentionally. "I called you here let you have this. But I'm coming as well,"

"Why? You didn't even enjoy Marvel," Hyunsuk asked.

"But you did," Jihoon said.

Hyunsuk spaced out a bit while trying to digest what Jihoon just said. Probably his brain haven't really fully awake yet even after all the running heh had to reach here.

"Here," Jihoon hand him a tumbler.

"What is it?" Hyunsuk asked. He took the tumbler and tried to look into the content without opening the lid

"Americano. 2 shots," Jihoon said. "You always ordered that,"

"But we can't bring this into the cinema.. right?" Hyunsuk asked after taking a sip of the americano. He didn't need to worry of Jihoon suddenly poisoned him or anything because even though Jihoon acted like that, he won't kill him in public.

"We can put it here when we go in," Jihoon pointed at the bag that he has been carrying.

"Aww... How considerate," Hyunsuk said.

"Of course," Jihoon said. "Because I'm the one who'll make you fall first,"

"Don't you think you shouldn't keep telling that if you want me to fall for you first?" Hyunsuk asked.

"Because I don't want to give you any false hope. I want you to fall for me even though you know that it's just for the bet," Jihoon said proudly. Hyunsuk smirked.


They went into the cinema hall when the hall already opened for the screening. Hyunsuk is really excited throughout the movie. But he can feel that Jihoon has been looking at him once a while during the movie but tried his best not to mind it since Jihoon himself told him that he'll try to make Hyunsuk fall for him even he knew that Jihoon did that just for the bet.

To be honest, Hyunsuk quite taken back when he heard Jihoon said that but Hyunsuk was the one who started this whole bet. So, he shouldn't be mind.

"Stop looking at me," Hyunsuk whispered but loud enough for Jihoon to hear it.

"But you're more interesting than the movie," Jihoon said. There you are The flirting attack from Jihoon again. Hyunsuk turned at Jihoon and smile.

"Thank you. I know I am an interesting guy," Hyunsuk said before turned back at the screen. Even after that, Jihoon has been looking at Hyunsuk. Hyunsuk suddenly got an idea. He took Jihoon's left hand with his right hand and laced their fingers together. Without even looking at Jihoon, Hyunsuk kissed the back of Jihoon's hand making Jihoon quickly pulled back his hand, while still focused on the movie. Hyunsuk mentally cheered when he can see a glimpse of Jihoon being panicked with his sudden attack when he glanced a bit at him.


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