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"You should told me sooner, Jihoon-ah. I bet you don't only like my face. But also my body, right?" Hyunsuk started to attacked back after silently collecting all the courage and the flirtatious energy. He caressed Jihoon's face. "You know I let only you to do me, right?"

Jihoon tried to not paying any attention to whatever Hyunsuk tried to say. Hyunsuk thought that the taller probably just week of that kind of talks.

"Should we start with kiss?" Hyunsuk asked while slowly pushing Jihoon.

"No can do," Jihoon covered Hyunsuk's mouth with his right hand. Jihoon quickly pulled away when Hyunsuk suddenly licked Jihoon's palm. "Stop it! Seriously,"

"Why? You afraid you can't handle it?" Hyunsuk asked.

"No. It's probably you who can't handle it," Jihoon playfully stated. Hyunsuk quickly kissed Jihoon on his lips.

"Kissing is a piece of cake for me," Hyunsuk said proudly seeing Jihoon's shocked and confused face under him. Suddenly, Jihoon flipped their position and started to deep kissed Hyunsuk. Making the smaller quite struggled to keep up with the sudden force and intense kiss.

"If you want to try me, you should at least do that," Jihoon said after he broke their kiss. Hyunsuk who's under Jihoon tried to catch back his breath. Hyunsuk pulled Jihoon back to kiss him when Jihoon tried to get off. And they shared another long hot kiss together.

They keep eating each other's lips before Hyunsuk started to slow down and stopped while Jihoon still keep on kissing him. Jihoon pulled out when he just noticed something's off. Hyunsuk let out soft snores. Jihoon can't believe that the smaller guy actually fall asleep in midst of kissing.

Looking back at these few days, it does look like Hyunsuk has been working almost non-stop with the new project that the company will launch soon. Jihoon slowly flipped their position with Hyunsuk laying on top of him because Jihoon himself is too lazy to go to his bedroom. He'll just take a short nap there.

"Sleep tight, Choi Hyun," Jihoon caressed Hyunsuk's hairs.


Hyunsuk didn't even noticed when but he fall asleep. When Hyunsuk woke up, he can smell that good scent that he haven't smelled for a while. That warm and calming scent. He's on someone's body. Hyunsuk looked up. He's sleeping on Jihoon's chest.

"You awake?" Jihoon asked sweetly while pulling Hyunsuk back to leaned his head on Jihoon's chest. He hugged the smaller guy.

"Did I really fall asleep?" Hyunsuk asked.

"Yeah. Seems like it," Jihoon said. "You're too tired but tried to act horny. You're so funny,"

"Wait! Did you do something to me?!" Hyunsuk asked while looking at Jihoon's face by raising his head.

"That's rich coming from someone who kissed me first just now," Jihoon said. Hyunsuk quickly lower his head and buried his face on Jihoon's chest. Jihoon patted Hyunsuk's back. "There. There. Good boy,"

"Did you always do that to other people?" Hyunsuk asked. He raised back his head to face Jihoon. "I'm jealous. Do that only to me,"


"Just kidding! Did you really fall for that?" Hyunsuk asked. He quickly sat up straight on the couch.

"Huh?" Jihoon seems like he's quite confused with whatever happening.


"As you guys know. For this project, our company appointed the General Manager of our overseas branch to lead us here. So our Mr Min already temporary transfered to our branch at Canada," Ms Hwang said. "And today, our temporary General Manager as well as this project's leader, Mr Mark Lee is here,"

Hyunsuk who's scribbling his notebook throughout the meeting, raised his head to not looking too rude to a new guy who just arrived today. He didn't really interested on this meeting because the agenda and topics that they mostly discussed are not really related to him. They already had a meeting with Mr Min yesterday and Hyunsuk already done presenting the stuffs he's in charge in before.

But to his surprised, the guy who's standing at front of the hall is someone he actually knew. Hyunsuk know that the new General Manager's name is familiar but it's a very common name. Mark saw Hyunsuk sitting among the staffs there. They locked eyes for a bit before Mark smiled and nodded a bit at Hyunsuk.

They had a few more discussions that Hyunsuk didn't really need to actually participate in and wrapped up their meeting with the summary of the latest status of every teams of the project progression. And Hyunsuk get to present his summary as he's the representative for his team. They all went back to work after the meeting ended.

"Choi Hyunsuk," Hyunsuk stopped walking as he heard Mark called his name when he just a few steps leaving the meeting room. "Hyunsuk, right? The Lucky Seven, Choi Hyunsuk?"

"Long time no see," Hyunsuk grinned. They actually knew each other quiet well since both of them shared the same hobby, soccer. They met for the first time when they're in high school and they're school's team having a match.

Hyunsuk remembered how he felt intimidated to even close to Mark because that guy emitting a strong Alpha presence. Mark was the one who tried to be friend with Hyunsuk first and they clicked quite well up till during their college days even though they didn't attend the same academy. After graduating, Mark moved overseas to live with his parents and after that they haven't been in contact with each other.

"I really thought that I got the wrong person. But you always like that toward anyone who just met," Mark said.

"Like how, Temporary General Manager, Mr Lee?" Hyunsuk asked.

"Just call me Mark," Mark said. "How's work? I saw you on the weekly ace board. I didn't expect you guys had that here as well,"

"It look like that. I live for work," Hyunsuk said.

"Yah. Choi Hyun! Did you shuffled my documents around? Did you know I'm having hard time to organized it back right before meeting a client?" Jihoon suddenly said as soon as he saw Hyunsuk.

"I did not," Hyunsuk lied, obviously. It's Jihoon who started it first. Because he swiped Hyunsuk's working flashdrive with the personal one where Hyunsuk saved movies in it. Hyunsuk took it to a meeting and almost presented the movies instead of the ppt that he already prepared. Luckily he already back it up online so he's safe, the contract is safe. But maybe not another time. That's why he just want a revenge.

"Yah! Park Jihoon!" Mark suddenly said.

"You know him?" Hyunsuk turned at Mark.

"Eh? Mark Lee?" Jihoon asked Mark.

"You know Mark?" Hyunsuk asked Jihoon.

"Eo. He was my course mate in college," Jihoon replied to Hyunsuk then he turned at Mark. "What are you doing here? Sungchan said that you're in Canada,"

"I was the Branch Manager at this company's branch in Canada. Wow. It's like a fate to meet you two again in this company," Mark said.

"How did you know him?" Jihoon pointed at Hyunsuk.

"Ah! He's the Lucky Seven I've been talking about," Mark said. "Is Hyunsuk the one you keep telling about to us? Your ultimate rival during middle school to high school,"

"Yeah. Meet this shorty, Choi Hyunsuk," Jihoon said.


"What? It's true that you're shorter than me, right?" Jihoon state. Hyunsuk grabbed Jihoon's hairs with his both arms, making Jihoon bent down. "Yah! Yah! Let me go! It's hurt, Choi Hyun!"

"What are you guys doing seriously?" Yeonjun who walked there asked when he saw the two of his coworkers and their antics.

"Are they always like that?" Mark asked.

"Yeah," Yeonjun said. "Welcome to our daily office life. Where you can see this two having their stupid and random competitions anytime, anywhere. You'll get use to it in no time,"


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