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"You smelled nice," Jihoon suddenly stated after saying nothing for minutes. He's still hugging Hyunsuk from behind and burrying his face on Hyunsuk's shoulder.

"Of course. I just finished taking bath when you called," Hyunsuk said. Jihoon nuzzled his face on one side of Hyunsuk's neck making the smaller guy squirmed. "Yah. Yah. It's tickled,"

"You smelled so sweet," Jihoon said.

"I think you're okay already. Now. Let me go and go take a shower or something. It's tiring to stand still for minutes too," Hyunsuk said. Jihoon finally let him go. Hyunsuk turned to face Jihoon. "Why? Do you have a bad day?"

"No. I had a just fine day," Jihoon said.

"You don't want to talk about it?" Hyunsuk asked because he know; when Jihoon said his day is 'just fine' it means that it's not fine at all. He knew this guy for years. He already memorized Jihoon's talking patterns and his habits.

"No," Jihoon said.

"Go take a shower. I'll order a pizza," Hyunsuk said. Jihoon's eyes widened at Hyunsuk's words. "Not pineapple on pizza of course,"

Pizza is one of Jihoon's favourite food to order whenever they hung out. But he hatted pineapple on pizza a lot. And sometimes, Hyunsuk purposely ordered the pizza with pineapple for the topping just to pissed him off. But not today, or the days when Jihoon clearly showed that he's not in his okay mood.

"Okay. I'll borrow your shower," Jihoon said. Hyunsuk just nodded. He proceed to order the pizza and just waited for Jihoon to done taking the shower and the pizza to be delivered.

After the pizza delivered, both of them started to eat the pizza. Jihoon started to talked about his business trip. Hyunsuk can point out what make Jihoon down through his story although Jihoon didn't specifically told him about it. He just knew it. Hyunsuk noticed that after he realized about his feeling toward Jihoon, he become more aware about everything about that guy that he didn't really give any attention about it before.

"You can use my bed," Hyunsuk said when he saw Jihoon already yawned dozens of times.

"What about you?" Jihoon asked.

"I still want to watch this. I'll sleep after it's done," Hyunsuk said.

"Okay," Jihoon said. "Good night,"

"Sleep well," Hyunsuk said. After Jihoon went to his room, Hyunsuk took out the blanket that he kept in the cupboard in the living room. He decided to sleep on the couch. He just want Jihoon to rest properly. Hyunsuk didn't realized he's THAT sleepy that he fall asleep just after a few minutes he lie down properly on the couch. He didn't even turned off the television.

Jihoon walked out from the room after less than 30 minutes. He somehow can't fall asleep. He saw that Hyunsuk already sleeping on the couch. He let out sigh. He should already seen it coming. Somehow, Jihoon felt like he's burdening Hyunsuk. Jihoon turned off the television and carefully carried the sleeping Hyunsuk into his bedroom. Jihoon put Hyunsuk down slowly, trying not to wake him up. Jihoon lie down beside Hyunsuk.

Jihoon stared at Hyunsuk's sleeping face for quite a while. It has been days he haven't seen this face. Jihoon glad that his legs brought him here, to Hyunsuk's place. If he went home, he probably will just drown himself with alcohol to make him forgot about the uneasy feeling he had before. Jihoon has a lot of friends. But he never open up to any of them. While Hyunsuk, didn't really open up to him, he just told him anything he wanted to and Hyunsuk will just listen to it; and will use it to mock him days after he did. But Jihoon didn't regret to share his stories with Hyunsuk because Hyunsuk did that to him as well. They are not really friends. But their relationship is just like that, since middle school.

"Thank you, Choi Hyun. For existing," Jihoon whispered before carefully pulled Hyunsuk in his arms. Jihoon fall asleep not long after that.


Seungcheol entered the passcode of Hyunsuk's apartment. He saw a pair of shoes he didn't recognize. And he can smelled an Alpha here, in his little brother's apartment. Seungcheol walked toward Hyunsuk's bedroom after he put the side dishes that he brought with him on the kitchen counter. He slowly pushed the door. He pushed it wider after sure that they're not in the middle of something he shouldn't see.

As expected. It's Jihoon cuddling Hyunsuk in his bed. Seungcheol purposely released his pheromones. Just to test something. Jihoon opened his eyes and started to released his pheromones as well while hugging Hyunsuk tighter. He turned at the source of the possible threat, but got shocked when it's Hyunsuk's older brother, Choi Seungcheol.

"Can we talk?" Seungcheol walked out right away. He didn't asked him. He ordered him. Jihoon slowly get down from the bed, trying not to wake Hyunsuk up. He walked out and saw Seungcheol sat on the couch in the living room. "Sit,"

Jihoon sat down. It's not the first time he saw Seungcheol. But this is the first time his identity as an Alpha exposed. He know that Seungcheol purposely release his pheromones to see how Jihoon will reacted. If he's just a Beta, he might continue to sleep as if nothing happened. But he didn't. Jihoon, with his Alpha nature unconsciously released his own pheromones to fight the threatening force.

"Do you even noticed that you've scented Hyunsuk few times?" Seungcheol asked. Actually Jihoon didn't realized that he scented Hyunsuk. But he might did after they slept together. Jihoon always the best at concealing his pheromones, that's why people around him believe it when he told that he's a Beta. But for some Alpha or Omega, his presence can't be hidden totally.

Just look at Mark. He's one of the Alpha who can clearly tell that Jihoon is an Alpha without him even telling him about it. Mark is one of the superior Alpha that can see through the secondary genders of people. He can even smell the nature of pheromones without needing the Alpha or Omega to release it. He's that special. And for Seungcheol, he probably already noticed Jihoon's pheromones on Hyunsuk before.

"I won't say anything before he did. But I beg you. Don't hurt my little brother. Either it's physically or mentally," Seungcheol said.

"I just... We're nothing. We're just-"

"I know," Seungcheol said. He glared at Jihoon's face. Trying to make the younger understand why he's asking him that. "I know, Jihoon. That's why I'm asking you this,"

"Don't worry. I'm not even planning to do so," Jihoon replied confidently.

"Good. I want to trust you, Park Jihoon," Seungcheol said. "Also, please tell him about his monthly check up when he woke up. I've made an appointment on 2 pm,"

"You're not staying? Want me to wake him up?" Jihoon asked.

"No. I'll just leave now. I was on my way to the hospital," Seungcheol said before stood up. "I brought some side dishes. Tell Hyunsuk to eat first before he go to the hospital. You can share it with him too. I brought a lot,"

"Okay. Thank you. I'll tell him," Jihoon said. After Seungcheol left, Jihoon went back to Hyunsuk's bedroom. He can't hide his smile while looking at Hyunsuk who's still peacefully sleeping when Jihoon being nervous to face Seungcheol after unconsciously exposing his actual secondary gender. And it seems like Hyunsuk will know that he's an Alpha instead of a Beta sooner or later. Hyunsuk probably will laugh at him for being an Alpha but always challenging and being competitive with a Beta like Hyunsuk. He deserved it. He has been doing that just to make him feel better. When in reality, Jihoon is nothing but a coward for doing so.


A/N- I've noticed that this au got quite a lot of reads and votes. Thank you for the support. I'm happy that you guys enjoy my work. Thank you very much.. anyway.. enjoy~~ have a nice day

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