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Narnia 2325

A series of groans was released as the five bodies hit the ground, knocking the air from their lungs. After a moment, they stood and took in their surroundings.

"No way ..." Edmund trailed off, his eyes travelling around the surroundings.

"Narnia." Lucy smiled in recognition. "We're home."

Digory was looking around, his eyes darting from one thing to another, which were slowly becoming filled with tears. "Fifty years since I've been here and it's as beautiful as it has always been."

The five exchanged smiles before beginning to explore wherever they landed.

"Guys!" A voice yelled from the distance. They turned, shocked when they spotted their cousin: Eustace.

They made their way over to him, embracing him warmly. It had been years since they had seen one another and were thrilled to be reunited in their favourite place.

"What are we doing back here?" Eustace voiced.

Peter shrugged. "We'll figure it out later."

"It's good to be back, isn't it?" Edmund smiled widely.

Eustace nodded, spotting the old man behind them. "Who's that?"

"Eustace, this is Digory Kirke. He founded Narnia." Lucy explained. Digory smiled, offering his hand for Eustace to shake. "Uncle Digory, this is our cousin, Eustace Scrubb." 

They all wondered around together for a moment, all attempting to figure out where in Narnia they were. There was a large building in the distance that rested on the hill. The setting sun was peeking out from behind it, drawing attention to the archaic architecture.

"That's Cair Paravel." Susan spoke, smiling at the familiarity.

Lucy gasped. "I forgot how pretty Cair Paravel was. It's a shame we didn't see it last time we came."

"Oh, so that's what this place is."

Edmund shrieked at the new voice that had entered the scene. Peter chuckled at him, shaking his head.

A greying lady was sat on a large mound of Earth behind them, staring at the building in awe.

"Polly," Digory gasped. She turned to him, her jaw dropping at the sight of the man.

"Digory. Oh my."

"Who's this?" Peter whispered to Susan. She shrugged, confused why her brother thought she would know the random lady.

Digory explained, not removing his eyes from Polly. "This is Polly Plumber. She founded Narnia with me when we were twelve."

A chorus of "Oh's" were released. Polly and Digory pulled one another into an embrace. It was obvious the two had missed one another after fifty years from the deep smiles rooted on both their faces.

* * *

The seven collectively decided they would begin their trek towards Cair Paravel. They hoped to find someone who could tell them how long had passed and why they were here.

Two hours later, they had reached the entrance gate. "Let's do this," Peter spoke as they strolled through the open gate.

They noticed Liliandil in the courtyard, holding a small boy. Susan's heart tugged and her smile was pulled down slightly. Pushing her feelings aside, she plastered a wider smile on her face and called the woman over. The woman looked shocked when she saw them, but made her way over, nevertheless.

"I can't believe you're all back. After all this time." She smiled, bouncing the boy on her hip.

"How long has it been in Narnia since we left?" Edmund questioned, voicing what they were all wondering.

"Uhm." She bit her lip in thought. "Eighteen years, I believe."

Lucy's mouth dropped. "Eighteen?" They certainly did not expect that long to have passed; however, they were glad that it hadn't been thousands

Liliandil nodded, "quite a lot has changed since you all left."

"We can see that," Peter spoke, gesturing to the boy.

She laughed shortly. "This is my son, Rilian. Say hi." She urged him

The boy smiled at the group, raising a hand to wave shyly but refusing to speak.

"Oh, you must all come with me. Caspian will be happy to see you all." Liliandil smiled widely as she gestured for them to follow her and made her way towards the building.

The boy she carried rested his head on her shoulder, staring at Susan. She gave him a comforting smile, her heart melting when he smiled back.

"Do you know why we're back, Liliandil?" Lucy asked as they made their way through the hallways.

"Unfortunately, not." She replied. "I'm sure we'll figure it out soon though."

After a while, they reached a door, which Liliandil paused at momentarily before pushing it open.

* * *

Caspian was sat at his desk, his head rested on the wood. His brain refused to focus on anything except one person. The guilt, that he had learnt to deal with, was still flowing through him in large waves. He was a grown man, and he still couldn't get over a woman who he hadn't seen in eighteen years.

When the door was pushed open hours later, he smiled when he saw his wife and son enter.

"Guess who I ran into?" She smiled before gesturing behind her.

He froze in shock when he saw the Pevensies and Eustace wander in, along with two older people whom he didn't know.

"Wow, you look old." Peter laughed. Caspian chuckled, standing to pull him into a tight embrace.

The man plastered a smile on his face as he embraced Edmund next, followed by Lucy, then Eustace.

He paused infront of Susan, his heart speeding up when she gave him a smile. He pulled her into a short hug, tears prickling behind his eyes when her fresh scent embraced him once more, for the first time in almost two decades.

The elder people introduced themselves to him, shaking the King's hand in greeting.

"So, Caspian. Why are we back?" Lucy questioned, glancing around his office appreciatively.

"I'm not sure," he replied honestly. "I didn't think any of you would be back here if I'm being honest."

The siblings and Eustace nodded in agreement, while the adults still seemed to be in shock by the situation.

"When Tavros and Glenstorm return, we'll see if they know anything. Knowing Glenstorm, he'll probably have the answers." Caspian spoke, his eyes lingering on Susan for a second longer than they should have.

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