{Chapter 2}

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Kaitlyn walks over and climbs the large tree then 3, 2, 1, she jumps and lands in the water with a splash, she resurfaces, swims back and claims "that was easy, give me something harder next time hey?" "Yeah yeah sure" Jacob responds with a laugh, Kaitlyn sits back down before asking "Nick. Truth or dare?" "uhhh I'm gonna go with truth, you're scary when you play this game" Nick responds "Are you still in love with Abi?" Kaitlyn asks "to be honest... yeah, but I'm not planning on doing anything about it, she's, we've all been through enough, we still need to sort ourselves out before we jump into relationships" Nick replies rubbing the back of his neck and looking away in embarrassment "ok Dylan, Truth or Dare" Nick asks breaking the silence "Dare" Dylan responds smiling "I dare you to.... Teach Jacob how to dance" Nick dares laughing "hey I'm not that bad!" Jacob buts in throwing his arms up "I wouldn't be so sure about that! The last time I saw you dance I couldn't stop laughing! You were all over the place!" Nick responds holding his stomach on the floor still laughing "alright then, let's do this" Dylan says walking over the Jacob "ok dude, warning, I will step on your feet, unless we're not doing any of that fancy people dancing" Jacob warns taking a small step back "oh yeah I forgot to mention, please teach him the 'fancy dancing'"Nick chimes barely holding back his laughter "oh you dickhead!" Jacob jokingly yells chuckling a little "so, I'll lead?" Dylan asks "uhm I guess, I don't know how to do this so" Jacob responds looking a little worried about stepping on his friends feet "alright so i'll put your hand on my shoulder, and I'll put this hand on your waist, is that ok?" Dylan asks "yeah that's fine dude" Jacob responds "and then we hold hands and, uhh if it makes it easier I can count our steps, and I'll go slow of course" Dylan continues "uhh yeah that'd uhh that'd help,,, a lot" Jacob responds trying to swallow whatever doubt he has "ok so we go 1, 2, 3... 1, 2, 3,..." Dylan adds. The rest of the night is spent with everyone laughing at Dylan and Jacobs terrible dancing, once done they all head back to their cabins to go to sleep.

Jacob struggles to get to sleep and decides to go for a walk. While he's out he hears rustling behind him, immediately he looks behind him then looks at the moon then relaxes, the moon isn't full which means that it couldn't be a werewolf. Then Dylan emerges from the bushes "Dude, what are you doing out her so late?" Dylan asks wiping leaves off his arms "I could ask you the same thing" Jacob responds with a laugh "well I came out because I saw you mindlessly wandering into the woods in the dead of night" Dylan responds "awww you care about me that much?" Jacob jokes "well, yeah? You're my friend" Dylan responds a little confused "oh, uhm, well, I came out here because I couldn't sleep, I still get nightmares about what happened" Jacob responds looking away and putting a hand on the back of his neck "we all do, you can just come talk to us you know?" Dylan reassures patting Jacobs back "thanks man, but I just didn't want to be a bother" Jacob responds "I.. I was the reason we had to go through all that in the first place" Jacob adds "yes, that's true but you've grown from then, you know not to do that again" Dylan replies putting his arm around Jacob holding him close. Dylan looks at Jacobs face while they stand in silence and his heart races seeing the genuine guilt, regret, fear and disappointment on his face, Dylan feels his face get a little warmer, a tear strolls down Jacobs face "we all would've been happy if I didn't fucking break the van, we would've been safe, none of us would've gotten hurt!" Jacob says, squatting to the floor holding his head, shocked Dylan kneels down next to him in a hurry hugging him "you didn't know, none of us did, if we had stayed inside like we were told to we would've had a better chance at survival, but we didn't. It's not just your fault, we're all at fault here, so stop blaming yourself" Dylan consoles, Jacob turns and cries into Dylan's shoulder hugging him tight, Dylan pats his back and continues to reassure him that nothing was his fault "ok, we ready to head back now?" Dylan asks patting Jacobs head, Jacob nods, not having the courage to speak. They both get up and start walking back to the cabins, Jacob is holding onto the corner of Dylan's jacket like a small child with his head down "would you like to stay in my cabin for the night?" Dylan asks sensing that Jacob might wander off again if he's left unsupervised, Jacob nods still not looking up from the floor "alright, come on big guy" Dylan ushers walking them both to his cabin. Dylan lays Jacob down on a spare bed and puts a blanket over him "now, I don't want to see you leave this cabin until morning ok?" Dylan asks "ok.." Jacob replies cuddling up in the blankets closing his eyes, after putting Jacob to bed Dylan walks over to his own bed and falls asleep.

{After the Accident} {Jacob Custos x Dylan Lenivy}Where stories live. Discover now