{Chapter 8}

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{Polyamory} {Jaylan and Rylan}

Dylan wakes up at 6:15am alone "the hell? Jacob?" He asks slowly getting out of bed, when his feet touch the floor he feels something grab onto his leg and jumps back "WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT?!" Dylan screams in distress, then he hears a familiar chuckle from under the bed. Dylan lies on the floor to see what it is; Jacob hiding under the bed giggling like a little kid "got you~" Jacob snickers "you asshole" Dylan responds getting back up "let's get ready for the day, you're set up to work with Kaitlyn this morning, I'm working with Ryan" Dylan explains getting ready, "okkkkkk" Jacob sighs getting out of his hiding spot and ready for the day.

Jacob and Kaitlyn are doing a cafeteria run for breakfast while everyone else sets up the activities, Kaitlyn starts whistling "ok spill." Jacob says smiling "I don't know what you're talking about" Kaitlyn replies giggling "you only whistle like that when you want to say something so spill" Jacob adds putting down his plate "ok but don't freak out" Kaitlyn requests, Jacob nods "so, Ryan was up like all night last night, talking about Dylan. He's obsessed, he hasn't said anything all morning, he's just stared at Dylan longingly" Kaitlyn adds "he- he what? I mean shit.. if he wants to share I'm cool with that" Jacob responds calmer than Kaitlyn had expected "I fully expected you to throw something at me just now" Kaitlyn chuckles giving Jacob a playful jab in the side "But.. Ryan and Dylan are working together right now, will he say anything?" Jacob inquires looking a little worried "No, I don't think so, he was going on about how he could never say it to his face while he's with you" Kaitlyn replies confidently "I hope you're right" Jacob responds looking down at his plate

Meanwhile Ryan and Dylan are setting up an obstacle course for the campers to work their way through later on. Ryan looks back at Dylan and sighs looking away "You alright buddy?" Dylan asks in a playful tone "Mm? Oh, yeah yeah I'm cool" Ryan responds avoiding eye contact, Dylan starts to worry "Listen dude, you're avoiding eye contact, that's a sign you're not ok for me. What's going on?" Dylan asks sitting beside him "It's... not something we should talk about without Jacob.." Ryan responds rubbing the back of his neck "Alright I'll go get Jacob then" Dylan responds shooting up. "W-Wait- you don't-.... Have to" Ryan tries to protest but Dylan is already gone.

Dylan walks into the cafeteria "Yo! Jacob! We gotta talk can you follow me real quick?" Dylan shouts "uh- yeah sure!" Jacob shouts back walking towards Dylan. They walk back to the obstacle course site and sit down in front of Ryan "Nnnnnow can you tell us?" Dylan asks playfully "Well.. uhm" Ryan trues to avoid the question, Jacob looks at Dylan confused "what's going on? Tell us what?" "Ryan has something on his mind and said he can't tell me without you" Dylan responds "I... I like Dylan.." Ryan mutters. Dylan's jaw drops and Jacob looks slightly amused "Kaitlyn told me you were a bit crazy over Dylan, just before Dylan came to get me actually" Jacob says, Ryan's head shoots up in confusion "But I didn't tell her" Ryan says "Oh I know, you've been keeping her up with your love sick ramblings" Jacob laughs "Even if you were told isn't this surprising?!" Dylan asks "Oh yeah it was when Kaitlyn told me, I said I'm cool with sharing if you two are up for that" Jacob replies big goofy grin painted across his face like usual. Both Dylan and Ryan sit there dumbfounded, they look at each other and back to Jacob then look away embarrassed "Like I said up to you! Let me know when you make a decision!" Jacob says as he walks back to the cafeteria. Cough cough Dylan clears his throat and says "Well.. it wouldn't hurt to try?" "Yeah" Ryan adds smiling.

{After the Accident} {Jacob Custos x Dylan Lenivy}Where stories live. Discover now