{Chapter 6}

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At the end of the day when all the campers have gone to bed the counsellors have a quick meeting "Ok so Archer had been teasing the new camper he was set with while literally poking at him, the new camper, Liam, didn't know how to react and probably knew that Archer was bigger and stronger than him and retaliated in the way where he'd get hurt less." Jacob explains "that doesn't make it right you know" Emma adds "I know, I know, I'll have a talk to the campers in the morning" Jacob responds. "This is serious, we can't put Archer back in that cabin" Kaitlyn explains "well, we do have a cabin of 'veteran' campers we could put him with" Nick adds putting his hand up "good idea, they won't take shit but they won't resort to violence" Kaitlyn replies. Jacob walks into the infirmary and Archer starts yelling "KICK HIM OUT! THAT LITTLE BITCH HIT ME! NOW I'VE GOT A SPLITTING FUCKING HEADACHE!" "Ok, 1. We're not kicking him out, 2. Lower your voice and 3. You're being moved cabins." Jacob explains in a calm voice "WHAT?!?! WHY AM I BEING MOVED? WHY NOT HIM?" Archer continues "because we don't know if you're going to end up treating any of our other new campers like that and he isn't getting moved because he's been put with a new camper in the same cabin" Jacob interrupts "THIS IS BULLSHIT!" Archer yells trying to get up "If you keep acting like this we'll have to call your parents to pick you up" Jacob adds getting Archer to sit back down, then archer pushes Jacob across the face "YOU'RE SO PATHETIC! WHY THE FUCK WOULD YOU REMOVE ME AND NOT HIM? HE'S THE ASSAULTER!" Archer yells punching Jacob again, Archer goes for another punch when his wrist gets grabbed by Ryan "that's enough, your parents are on the line and we've explained the whole situation. You're staying in this room until they arrive" Ryan explains while Jacob leaves the room.

"Ah fuck, that kids got a punch to him" Jacob sighs sitting on the couch outside the infirmary "are you ok??" Dylan asks sitting next to him "Yeah yeah I'll be fine, I'll get a bruise at worst" Jacob responds with his signature goofy smile, Dylan can't help but smile back, when Dylan looks over Emma, Abi and Nick are staring "What?" Dylan asks "You two are gay aren't you?" Emma inquires Dylan's face goes red and he sputters "What?- me? Him? Huh? Us? No! definitely not! I-" "They've figured it out Dylan" Jacob interrupts, Dylan whips his head to look at Jacob and leans in to whisper "How? How could they've?" "I don't know but they do" Jacob responds, Dylan looks back somewhat embarrassed "Yeah.. how did you find out?" Dylan asks "Well it kinda takes one to know one" Emma and Abi respond at the same time before bursting into laughter "I dunno, they just told me that you were" Nick adds, Dylan looks over at Jacob to see him laughing too "Ay why didn't you tell me??" Jacob asks still laughing "Well why didn't you tell me?" Emma adds also laughing "well you seemed a bit bitchy when I said I got over you" Jacob replies "And you seemed a bit depressed after the... accident" Emma adds laugh fading "I was, I still am" Jacob responds "He would know" Jacob adds pointing at Dylan who's has face palmed so hard his hand might as well have gone through his skull "So what's up with you three?" Dylan asks dragging his hands off his face "Well, Emma likes me, Nick likes me, I like both so... surprise I'm dating both" Abi replies doing jazz hands at the end "How about you?" Nick adds holding Abi's hand, Dylan goes red "Uhmmm- Jacob?" Dylan turns too Jacob to see if he would explain "I got the most part!" Kaitlyn bursts in "Dylan came running to me on prep day asking to change the jobs he had for the Lake house so he could make a move with Jacob!" Kaitlyn adds with a smug grin "yeah... and I didn't know when was the appropriate time so I just kept stealing glances at him and he noticed.." Dylan adds face in his hands to hide the burning red blush painted across his face "I got concerned and thought he was sick honestly the he told me he wanted me to kiss him.. and I did" Jacob adds rubbing the back of his neck "Is that all??" Emma asks astonished "Yeah, was there supposed to be more?" Dylan asks confused "Well ours was a journey that's for sure" Nick adds "How so?" Jacob asks.

"Well... I found out Nick liked Abi when we played truth or dare, then after that we started competing over who could catch Abi's attention-" Emma starts "and I picked up on it and asked them both out" Abi interrupts "Emma and I still fought from time to time to see if we could replace the other and be Abi's number 1, but now we're cool" Nick finishes "you mean 'we say we're cool but we're still secretly fighting' haha!" Kaitlyn jokes, everyone slowly starts laughing then calms down after a little while, then the room falls into awkward silence.....................

"So, we should umm all head to bed now" Dylan says breaking the silence, Everyone agrees and heads their separate ways.

{After the Accident} {Jacob Custos x Dylan Lenivy}Where stories live. Discover now