{Chapter 5}

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At 6:15am Dylan's scheduled alarm goes off, Dylan slaps the button on the alarm to turn it off then cuddles into Jacob more. At 6:45am the alarm goes off again and Jacob wakes up "C'mon we gotta get up, the new campers rock up today" Jacob whispers shaking his sleeping beauty gently "Mmm five more minutes" Dylan grumbles nuzzling closer "No, don't give me that, c'mon get up" Jacob says swapping sides with Dylan so he can get out of bed "it's time to get up! The new campers arrive today!!" Jacob exclaims with an enthusiastic smile!

After waking up the 7 counsellors plus Mr Hackett start greeting the new campers and parents and welcoming everyone new and reoccurring, once everyone was welcomed and settled in their cabins the new campers gather around the fire pit to get split into their activities for the day. "Alright new campers! You'll be paired up with one of our, 'veteran' campers to get shown the ropes just for the first week then we'll allow you to pick your own parters or to camp alone. I'm going to give you a number and that number will tell you what counsellor will be leading your first activity for the day, 1. Is Jacob & Dylan out at the lake house" Kaitlyn explains loud enough for everyone to hear while pointing at Jacob and Dylan "2. Will be with Emma and Abi doing arts" Kaitlyn points at Emma and Abi then continues "3. Will be with Nick, learning about ropes, ties, and knots" Kaitlyn points at nick then points at both Ryan and herself "4. Will be set with me and Ryan, we'll be teaching you basic survival skills" Kaitlyn walks around and starts putting kids in groups and giving them numbers. After everyone had been put in their groups they all split off and get to teaching their classes.

I'm "Does anyone here know how to row a boat?" Jacob asks jokingly, the kids laugh a little and almost at the same time respond "Yeah!" The few that said 'no' are being taught by their buddies, Jacob and Dylan walk off to the side to observe "Yo, you remember when we first started this job??" Jacob asks gently nudging Dylan in the side "Yeah, this would've been a mess. I don't even think we'll need two people watching over them" Dylan replies keeping an eye on the campers, Jacob goes silent and stares a hole into the side of Dylan's head "What?" Dylan asks turning to look at Jacob "Do you not want to watch over the kids with me?" Jacob asks with the tone somewhat like a puppy feeling left out "It's not like I don't want to be around you I'm just saying it may seem a little unnecessary" Dylan replies giving Jacob a gentle jab in the shoulder "I have to go do the switch announcement in a couple minutes anyway" Dylan adds before turning back to pay attention to the campers. [BANG] Jacob and Dylan turn their head to the noise to see a kid knocked out on the floor and another holding one of the oars, there's blood. Jacob runs over "What happened?!?!" Jacob asks in a panic "I- I didn't mean to! He- he wouldn't leave me alone! I didn't know what else to do!" One of the smaller male campers explain with tears welling up in his eyes "Hey, hey it's ok, breathe, Dylan! Take this kid to the infirmary!" Jacob yells, Dylan runs over and carries the unconscious child to the infirmary "Ok, now, what's your name kid?" Jacob asks calmly "Liam.." The camper answers "Ok Liam, why did you hit him?" Jacob inquires trying not to seem worried "He.. he was making fun of me, saying I was scrawny, a loner, a family mistake while poking me in the head and the sides" Liam explains tears now streaming down his face, Jacob feels a well of anger pool inside him but he takes a deep breath and calms his demeanour "I'll set you up with a different camper don't stress" Jacob reassures "I'll watch over him!" Says one of the female campers "I'm fine with watching over two people!" She adds with a bright smile "well there you go! A new camper already, and don't worry; she's lovely" Jacob beams "Thanks Janine!" Jacob says smiling at the girl. Then the speakers blare and Dylans voice plays over "Alright campers! Your time to switch has come now follow your counsellor to your next activity!" "Well you heard him! Let's go!" Jacob shouts with enthusiasm.

{After the Accident} {Jacob Custos x Dylan Lenivy}Where stories live. Discover now