{Chapter 4}

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{first kiss} {cuddles}

Jacob puts a hand on Dylan's cheek "How.. how do you want me to do this? Do you want me to hold your face? Your.. uhm.. waist?" Jacob asks before going any further "uhm m-my face please, like behind my ears maybe" Dylan responds, Jacob puts his hands behind Dylan's ears "Is this ok?" Jacob asks to make sure Dylan isn't uncomfortable "Yes... you can kiss me now" Dylan responds slightly impatiently "Ok ok, I just want to make sure I'm not making you uncomfortable.. so, just close your eyes, I'm assuming you already know how to kiss but just.. part your lips a little.." Jacob explains "Ok.." Dylan says closing his eyes and parting his lips as instructed, then Jacob leans in closer "I'm uhh going to kiss you now ok?" Jacob asks "Ok" Dylan replies before feeling Jacobs lips place themselves gently on his own. After a few seconds Jacob pulls away "Was... that ok?" Jacob asks, Dylan sits there silent for a little bit still astonished that Jacob actually kissed him "That was... perfect.. can you do that again?" Dylan replies Jacob's face goes from daydreamed to shock in seconds "Perfect? Again? I mean sure!" Jacob responds lighting up like a puppy, Jacob puts his hand under Dylans chin hold his face In place then proceeds to kiss him again but for slightly longer than before then pulling away. "You're amazing at that" Dylan adds "Thank you-" Jacob responds before getting interrupted by Kaitlyn "EMMA AT 3 O'CLOCK!" "SHIT" Dylan shouts scrambling to his feet and pulling Jacob up with him "MAKE IT SEEM LIKE WE DIDN'T JUST KISS" Dylan requests in distress "Ok uhm you go over and organise the towels and I'll lift up this last Kayak" Jacob responds and then they go off and do their jobs while Kaitlyn watches over to make it seem like she was supervising them. In a matter of seconds Emma barges through the door "What's going on in here?? Dylan's supposed to be helping Abi!" Emma says furiously "Well I had a last minute change of plans and didn't have enough time to go tell everyone" Kaitlyn explains with a tad of frustration "Fine. I 'believe' you." Emma says before storming out, once Emma's out of ear shot Kaitlyn asks "Did you two actually kiss??" A smile growing across her face "Uhh yeah, twice actually" Dylan answers getting a little flustered "Congrats! But the sun's starting to set and I'm pretty sure only Abi and I have night jobs so you two head back to camp k?" Kaitlyn adds "Ok" Dylan replies "No prob!" Jacob adds.

Back at the cabins Jacob goes to walk to his own cabin but Dylan grabs his arm "Would.. you like to sleep in my cabin again?" Dylan asks Jacob turns around looking confused "Why?" Jacob asks "Well- I- uh- to uhm keep an eye on you of course!" Dylan responds "Uhm Sure" Jacob approves and they both walk into Dylan's cabin once again. "So is there another reason you want me in here or is it just to 'keep an eye on me'" Jacob asks picking up on what's happening "Well.. I wanted to ask.. did you want to be you know, a thing?" Dylan asks getting embarrassed "You know before I wouldn't have said yes to that, but now.... Yeah, I'd like to be with you" Jacob responds, Dylan's eyes meet Jacob's "really??? Awesome! Yes!" Dylan says excitedly "Did you want to cuddle tonight?" Jacob asks Dylan's head shoots into Jacobs direction "Cuddle? Like- in bed? With you? Tonight?" Dylan sputters his face flushing redder by the second "I mean yeah, unless it's too uncomfortable or fast for you" Jacob responds with a soft smile "I'm not uncomfortable with it, it was just a surprise" Dylan replies "But yeah I'd like that!" Dylan adds before walking over and sitting next to Jacob. They both lay down after getting ready for bed and cuddle into each other and drift asleep faster than ever before.

{After the Accident} {Jacob Custos x Dylan Lenivy}Where stories live. Discover now