{Chapter 3}

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{Cliffhanger} {first kiss build-up}

In the morning Dylan wakes up later than usual and scrambles to get ready, then he looks over at the spare bed he had put Jacob in to see Jacob still fast asleep "hey. Jacob? Jakey-boy? Hey wake up!" Dylan says shaking his friend awake, Jacob rubs his eyes and stretches "what time is it?" Jacob asks half asleep "uhh let's just say, late, very late" Dylan responds trying not to worry his friend "isn't today prep day?" Jacob inquires "Prep day?" Dylan asks looking confused "yeah, prep day, you know, when we get everything ready? For the new campers?" Jacob answers raising an eyebrow "OH SHIT PREP DAY" Dylan realises smacking his hands to his head "yeah, but we've got like all day to do our jobs" Jacob responds getting up and ready for the day "I think I have to go sort out the lake house, what do you need to prep?" Jacob asks "I uhh don't know" Dylan responds "I'll go asks Kaitlyn and Ryan, They'll know!" Dylan adds before running off "o-... Kay??" Jacob responds.

"KAITLYN, RYAN, GUYS!" Dylan shouts running into Kaitlyns cabin "woah! Slow down Dylan, what happened?" Kaitlyn asks grabbing Dylan's shoulders "Why didn't anyone tell me it's prep day? What jobs do I have? Can I swap them out for the lake house?" Dylan sputters out trying to catch his breath "ok 1. We thought everyone knew. 2. We had set you up to help Abi. 3. Why change it for the lake house?" Ryan inquires "listen... Jacobs doing the lake house, I would like to work with Jacob" Dylan answers still out of breath "oh~ why's that Dylan?~" Kaitlyn asks sitting Dylan down on a near by chair "from that tone and expression I think you know.." Dylan replies "you~ like Jacob don't you?" Kaitlyn adds with a smug grin "uggghhh YES! I LIKE HIM! HE'S PRETTY!" Dylan exclaims in frustration "so what your saying is; you want to work at the lake house with Jacob so you can make a move?" Ryan asks smugly "YES! Can you help me or not?" Dylan asks "well, Emma would be pissed to see you flirting with Jacob... sure, i did most of my day jobs earlier, I only have night jobs now so I'll keep watch for you" Kaitlyn replies with a smile "thank you so much" Dylan claims before leaving the cabin and running to the lake house.

"Hey! Jacob! I'm working here too!" Dylan exclaims while running over waving "oh awesome! Could you help me lift this Kayak?" Jacob responds with a big goofy smile "yeah sure just... just let me catch my breath" Dylan responds bending over to catch a breath. After a little bit Dylan shoots back up and helps Jacob lift the Kayak, they spend the day putting things in their proper places and washing towels, by the end they're at the back of the lake house as far away from the door as they could be and the tension rises. Dylan's heart begins racing again, stealing glances at Jacob every now and again until they make eye contact and Dylan shoots his head away "are you... staring at me?" Jacob asks turning to face Dylan "I have no idea what you mean!" Dylan replies still looking away feeling his face grow redder and redder by the second, until his ears flush and Jacob notices "are you ok? You're ears have gone red, are you sick? Is it from being out here? If you were cold you should've told me I don't want you getting sick!" Jacob exclaims shuffling over the Dylan "No! No.. I'm.. I'm not sick and I'm not cold it's uhm... something else.." Dylan responds putting and hand next to his face so Jacob can't see "we'll what is it? If I can help I will!" Jacob responds getting more and more worried by every passing second "promise you won't freak out, or get weirded out?" Dylan asks moving his hand slightly so he can see Jacobs face "of course man! Whatever it is!" Jacob replies smiling, Dylan clears his throat, "well.... After.. the incident uhm for about a month or two now you've been all that's on my mind, and I've thought of.. uhm.. holding you.. hugging you... ki.. Kissing you.. I just can't get your big goofy face out of my head and it's driving me insane, all I want is to kiss you even if it is just once" Dylan answers putting his hand down but still looking away. Jacob sits there, dumbfounded, "you. You're into me? Me? Like me me? Not like just my body? Like actual me me?" Jacob asks astonishment splashed across his face "yeah.. you've become so... kind and warm, seeing you cry like that in the woods... absolutely broke my heart" Dylan replies meeting Jacob eyes "and you want me to kiss you? You have like no idea where my mouth has been" Jacob responds with a laugh trying to lighten the mood "yes, I don't care where your mouth has been, I just want to kiss you" Dylan answers turning so they see each other face to face, Jacobs face flushes "S-seriously?? I mean, I'm cool with it but why me?" Jacob asks "yes I'm serious, and why not you?? You're kind, you try to hide your feelings when you feel it'll interfere with work or relationships, you're gorgeous!" Dylan responds not realising he's moved closer making their faces practically inches apart then backing off when he realises how close they've gotten "Well.. uhm.. do you want me to kiss you??" Jacob asks with a whimsical look on his face Dylan looks back in somewhat shock "I mean- yes! Of course! Please! I mean if you want.." Dylan responds in excitement.

{After the Accident} {Jacob Custos x Dylan Lenivy}Where stories live. Discover now