{Chapter 9}

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{time skip} {breaking an entry}

2 weeks had past since Ryan was stirred into the mix and things are going smoothly, then Jacob begins to become more absent. He goes missing one night and the hacketters go searching for him, Dylan and Ryan trying the hardest "JACOB! COME ON MAN NOT COOL!" Dylan shouts worry overtaking his words "Fuck fuck fuck fuck where is he?" "Dylan! Over here!" Ryan shouts from a few meters away, Dylan runs over to see Jacob curled in a ball at that little clearing he had shown him a few weeks ago "for fuck sake Jacob are you alright? You scared the shit out of us" Dylan asks sitting beside him, Jacob looks away silently "Hey we can help if you tell us what's wrong" Ryan adds sitting on his other side, Ryan spots drops of water fall off Jacobs face before Jacob buries his face in his knees "Are you.. crying?" Ryan asks concerned "Jacob seriously tell us what's wrong" Dylan requests putting his arms around Jacob "I... don't want to forget you.. either of you, and I don't want you to forget me. But as soon as camp's over we'll go our separate ways... and lose contact" Jacob manages to sputter out through cries "we'll just give each other our numbers" Dylan suggests "Mr H has our phones remember? We can't.." Jacob responds "who says he can't get them back temporarily?~" Dylan suggests smugly "Are you suggesting we break into Mr H's office?" Ryan asks fully knowing the answer "uhh yeah? What else would we do? Beg?" Dylan responds. Ryan sighs and plants his hand on his forehead "you do you man, I'm not breaking into Chris- I mean Mr. H's office" Ryan sighs "fine by me!" Dylan responds shrugging with a grin. Dylan grabs Jacob's hand and walks into the lodge with confidence, once they get near Mr. H's office they start to be more careful.

"It's locked.. kicking it down would be too loud" Dylan mutters "I can pick it" Jacob says, Dylan's face is painted with surprise and amusement "well then get on it little guy" Dylan adds, Jacob rolls his eyes and places an ear to the door "what are you doing? If that's how you pick a lock I'm very doubtful we'll get in" Dylan asks, Jacob sighs and rolls his eyes "no I'm listening to see if anyone's there. It'd be pretty shameful to break in and get caught immediately" "ooooohhh~ makes sense" Dylan responds. After confirming the coast is clear Jacob begins picking at the lock, a few minutes go by before [click] the door opens.

"Bingo" Jacob Mutters accomplished, they head into the room and grab their phones "ok ok now let's exchange contacts" Dylan says. They exchange contacts, then Ryan walks through the door "Oh~ look who decided to join us" Jacob teases "shut up dude" Ryan sighs taking his phone "now what are you two's numbers?" Both Jacob and Dylan give Ryan their details before they put their phones back down and sneak back out.

Once outside Jacob lets out a sigh of relief "that was kinda stressful" "nah~ that was light work" Dylan replies "and~ a Mr. Stick-in-the-mud joined us, how brave of him" Dylan adds, Jacob chuckles and Dylan walks up to Ryan "what are you doing?" Ryan asks "nothing, just thought a brave boy should get a reward" Dylan replies teasingly "wha-" Ryan tried to respond but is intercepted by Dylan's lips meeting his "see; reward" Ryan stands there baffled "dude come on you broke him" Jacob jokes patting Dylan on the shoulder, Dylan leans down slightly and kisses Jacob on the lips as well. Jacob stands there astonished for a second "you little prick!" Jacob shouts in a giddy tone before chasing Dylan down "no! Get away you beast!" Dylan jokes "nuh uh! Not before I get my revenge!!!" Jacob responds picking up his pace "idiots" Ryan snickers to himself.

{After the Accident} {Jacob Custos x Dylan Lenivy}Where stories live. Discover now