Derek Imagine (vampires and werewolves)

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I was sprinting through the forest in an unhuman speed running after a deer and pouncing on it sucking its blood to refresh my day. After i finished my lunch i called Isaac to come pick me up from the forest so we can go to school because he was the only who knew that i was a vampire aka bloodsucker. I was dating Derek but i didn't tell him because you know vampires and werewolves never fit together. Isaac came standing infront of me "Again? Can't you like eat bad humans or something" He said smiling a little and nudged him very softly because i was much stronger than he was or even Derek. Me and Isaac were walking to school talking about how do i tell Derek about what i am. We arrived to school "Can you please come with me to coach real fast?" Isaac asked as we walked through the halls "Yeah no problem." I walked in the guy's locker room and saw Ethan talking to Danny about a place they know there was power in so they could do a party. Me and Isaac looked at eachother shocked. There was no place that had power except for Derek's loft! Me and Isaac left amd went to class.

At night i was going to the party of course so i wore some black booty shorts and a phosphoric yellow which was neon so it was really shiny in the dark and put on a cross shirt and some black shoes and took of to the party (pic above). I arrived there and everyone was dancing, i walked over Isaac and Allison as she took off her shirt showing her pink neon bra and i took mine off to showing her my yellow neon bra as we giggled at eachother and i walked over to Danny and told him it was a nice party "Can you dance with me? I can't find Ethan" Danny shouted over the music as his body was painted and i got mine painted too. "Yeah sure lets go" I shouted too and led him to the dance floor as we danced and rocked to the beat. As we were dancing we heard a crashing voice and i looked up to see Derek flipping the table "EVERYBODY OUT!!" I tried to leave but he stopped me "Not you" And everyone left. As we were standing four shadow figures appeared and Derek put me behind him and growled. They were fighting now but they were losing and Derek was pushed to the ground and Aiden was getting attacked so i jumped infront of them and i roared loudly at them more like a lion and one of them stabbed me in the stomach and blood spurted out "No!!!" Derek yelled. Here goes my lunch. The sun peered through the windows and they disapeared and i took the sword out of my stomach. Derek ran to me and picked me up sitting me on the stairs and tried to lift up my shirt "We need to see it Y/N you are very hurt" Scott said looking at the blood "No i'm fine" I said pushing Derek's hand away "No you are not" Derek said trying again but i stopped him. Lidya scoffed and lifted up my shirt to see my skin clear and no sign of any hurt or even a scar. They all gasped and Isaac hid behind a wall "What are you?" Scott asked "Vampire and i have been turned since like 1981 so yeah i wasn't like this before but yeah i died with this blood more like killed and woke up to find my two brothers already turned" Allison looked at me "But don't you shine in the sun?" She asked "No because i am the master of my clan, am very strong even stronger than all of you together. I killed my master due to he was abusing my brothers and in the past i had no mercy i killed bad people but i never killed anyone innocent" They all gaped at me except for Isaac coz he already knew "I'll be out of beacon hills tomorrow and you won't see me again" I said giving a small smile and hugging Isaac and walked out. As i was walking i heard someone yelling my name so i turned around and saw vampire alfs (something like wolfban but to vampires) and i choked and fell to the ground coughing as Damian (on of my clan) got out and tried to choke me more so i roared loudly. The whole pack ran out and pushed Damian off of me and Isaac throw the vampire alfs away. Derek rubbed my back as i breathed again and bit my wrist to get the vampire alf out of my system "I shouldn't let you be out by yourself. I'm sorry and i'll help every step of the way" Derek said as he kissed me and i kissed back knowing that he will always be my knight in shining armor.

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