Liam imagine for @fandomonium123

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You were walking home from school going to your boyfriend's Scott house to spend sometime with him as you haven't seen him in so long and he doesn't answer your million texts or calls. You opened the door with the spare key he had given you as you were so excited to spend time with him. You went upstairs and opened straight away cause he told you not to knock. You entered and found Scott on top of Kira making out the both with no tops as they pulled away from each other and looked shocked and Kira covered herself up quickly and Scott hurried to his feet "Babe I'm so sorry I love you" Scott said trying to kiss you but you pulled away "We're over and don't you try to make up with me coz we are so over" You said running down the stairs with tears staining your cheeks as You thought it couldn't get any worse You tripped and fell to ground harshly hurting your knees badly since you were wearing shorts. You ran to your best friend's house Liam as you were limping and tears were flowing non stop. You knocked on the door and Liam opened immediately and gasping at the sight of you bleeding and crying and rushing you quickly to the bathroom and setting you on the bathtub getting water and washing all the blood away and then grabbed a cotton with perfume and put it on your knees as you hissed lightly and he grabbed your hand tightly "Sorry" He said lowly "It's okay" You said smiling. Tears were still rushing down "So tell me what's wrong and don't lie because you never cry when you get hurt." Liam said holding you close taking you to the couch and putting your legs on his as he held you tightly and you explained it all. "What a jerk. He doesn't know what he has lost it's okay I'm here aren't I? And plus I've got Nutella and ice-cream" He said making you giggle a bit. You were glad "Hey so I wanted to tell you something but if you don't feel the same promise to act normal around me okay?" He said and You nodded "I know we know each other since we were babies and we have been best friends for so long and I love you so much more than best friends more like my soul mate and I wonder if you would be my girlfriend?" You nodded your head and hugged him so tight "I love you so much Liam I don't know how I would survive without you literally. I love you" You said sincerely from your heart. "I love you too so much and I would never ever cheat on your or leave because you mean so much to me" Liam said as he leaned in and you did the same as your lips touched not to be cliche or something you felt sparks, butterflies and even FIREWORKS! You both pulled away and just smiled at each other spending the rest of the day with each other.


Request made for @fandomonium123
Please guys request and I'll do them right away request the person and describe yourself and tell me your name and tell me the scenario okay? Pleaseeee

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