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Alessio, Ex Don of the Italian mafia

December 1st

Christmas was the worst time of year in our household; only because around this time 18 years ago karma hit us sideways.

There were no decorations and no matter how much the head maid asked, I refused to even see something of Christmas significance in my household. 

Even if my Oldest son was the Don- I still had a say about what goes on around here.  It is incredibly easy for me to take away any title I may have given someone - including the ones I gave to my own children. 

I sat pondering in my office looking out of the window that displayed a great view of Italy.  It didn't look like Christmas here and yet we used to celebrate it just the same. 

My wife, who passed away many years ago came from a family who would stop at nothing to have an amazing Christmas.  That tradition in our family ended up dying with her after a couple of years.

A knock at the door shook me out of my day dream and pulled me back to reality.  Alexander my oldest child opens the door and then makes himself comfortable in one of the seats in front of my desk.

We sit in tense silence until everyone else decides to join as well.  James the second oldest plop down in another chair in front of me while the two youngest Hudson and Luca lean against opposing walls.

Each of them look more tired than usual.

"You've been keeping something from me." I voice out grabbing a small knife off of the desk and twirl it between my fingers.  I don't like it when people lie to me, especially when they're family - and my family has been lying for a very long time.

Alexander is the only one who keeps eye contact, not afraid to stand his ground and yet he has his head slightly tilted downwards showing some respect against the true authority.

When no one speaks up I continue, "a little birdie had told me so and I thought 'No my Sons wouldn't keep anything from me' and yet again- perhaps they would." I stand up and walk towards my youngest two.  They happen to break the easiest in these situations.

"I'll give it to you," I chuckle darkly, "you caught me by surprise, you got me." I hiss close to Hudson's ear but he keeps his eyes and head down in defiance. 

I sidle up to Luca stilling the knife in my hands and flip it once, the blade easily sits on my fingers.  I turn around and narrow my gaze at all of them, "who's going to speak the hell up!?"

Alexander stands when a knock rasps on the door. I compose myself by straightening my shoulders and fixing my tie. I clear my throat and round my desk ordering, "Enter." 

Jackson, my grandson comes in with a file in his hand and immediately passes it to his Father Alexander. I lean forward placing both of my palms on my wooden desk trying very hard not to flip the whole damn thing over.

"Nonno." Jackson nods acknowledging me and steps back by the door adjusting his suit jacket.

My hands curl into fists and I send a menacing scowl at my oldest son, "making my Grandchildren also lie to me figlio?"


He abruptly stands slamming the file down on my desk and points at it with furry in his gaze, he leans closer to me talking through clenched teeth. "You weren't doing shit so I had to take things into my own hands."

I roll my eyes and pick up the file, "if I remember correctly I'm not the Don anymore, I don't have to do shit." I skim through the papers following the lines of the notes taken.

Alexander smirks in triumph when I look up from the pages, because he knows that all of the lying was worth it.

"You found the hacker." I look back down at the pages and information of said person.

James smirks from his seat as well and lights a cigarette.  He slowly inhales and exhales the fumes, "found? Barely, but a little hunt might be worth while to find and end the cunt."

Luca walks up to the window beside me crossing his arms as he looks outside, "If we go in blindly someone we trust needs to look after things here."

Hudson nods in agreement, "this should be handled by us, it has become far too personal.  The asshole has been playing with us for far too long."

"I agree." I say placing the papers down on my desk and take out my phone.  I text information to a man we trust more than anything.

I look up at my sons, "where did you track the network from?" I ask tapping my fingers against the wood.

Alexander sits back down gladly taking a hit of his brothers cigarette, "Calgary Canada." and laughs shaking his head.

"Well boys." I adjust my cuff links heading towards the door, I stop right before I twist the doorknob, "looks like you're going to have your first white Christmas."

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