Chapter 2

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When I was done with breakfast, one of the maids cleaned up after me. I took my bag, phone and keys and left our house.

I went straight to the garage and left with my favourite Rolls-Royce. The journey to school took about 15 minutes. I was so tired because of those nightmares but who cares, right?

When I arived my best friend Noah came up to me and hugged me tightly like he didn't saw me in two months.

"Omg hi bitch!" Noah said as he pulled away.
I wasn't even surprised because he was always too friendly.

"Hi Noah" I said coldly "what's up with you?" I looked at him and he just shrugged.

"Nothing bruh I just got exited when I saw you" he replied and grinned at me. He's so annoying but I love him. He's like a brother to me!

"Who the fuck uses bruh in this century, Noah? Get your shit together" I said and tried to have straight face but failed miserably.

He just laughed at me and patted my shoulder.

"HI BITCHES!" We heard familiar voice filling the hall as we looked at the person.

"Hi Mia" Noah said and gave her a bone crashing hug.

"Let me go you idiot" Mia said annoyed but smiled at him. "What's your first lesson?" She asked us still trying to pull away from Noah.

I looked at them amused "I have math right now so I should get prepared" I said slowly backing away from those dorks.

"Wait!! I didn't hug you!" She shouted at me making me stop in my tracks. I looked at her and replied "I'm fine. Just don't come near me I don't wanna have all of my bones crashed" with a smile on my face I continued in my way.

What a great way to start a day. I thought to myself


It was third period now and as I was trying to get to my class I accidentally bumped into someone.

"Jesus! I'm so sorry!" I mumbled at the person who was trying to get up.

"Get your shit together, asshole" she snapped coldly at me. I was taken aback for a second but that feeling quickly got away when I saw her. She was stunning. My breath hitched in my throat as I was taking in her body. She was smaller than me with black hair and beautiful brown eyes. Her body was covered in a black hoodie and white pants with black shoes.

She was the most beautiful girl I've ever saw in my entire life. I swear to god she was checking me out too but quickly covered her face with a frown. "Don't look at me like that, pervert" she snapped and went away from me, leaving me alone on the floor.

Hi! I'm so sorry that I didn't published anything in a long time.. I was struggling with some issues and was just trying to focus on my studies. But I will try to publish more!

Have a nice day ~Jane

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