608 - Debute

131 2 0

Aelita assambled a new species of Block, to protect an Activated Tower in the Desert. XANA teleported Blocks to attack Kadic. William was pulverised by the Block Wall. Bloom was able to bring Aelita back for a few seconds, giving the Lyoko Warriors hope of seeing their friend Again.

Episode 129 - Debute

February 21. It's about 5:45 PM. The Lyoko gang is in the patio. Bloom was with the Winx, planing everything for the next day to the concert. Daphne was with them.

Bloom: We're nearly there.

Daphne: Girls, this concert of yours was caught by the eye of a manager from America!

Stella: For real?!

Daphne: I think his name is Jason. He's from Gardenia.

The moment Daphne said that, Musa had the bigest shok ever, remembering Jason, and the moment she had a bit of a crush on him. But they became nice friends.

Roxy: Wasn't he your manager, when you played in the Fruty Music Bar?

Bloom: He was! My god, does he even know we're the ones doing the concert?

Daphne: He does. I think that's why he's comming.

The Winx were kind of surprised to hear that Jason, their old manager from their times in Gardenia was gonna be there. A little time skip, we're in teh Cafeteria. Yumi's back home. The Lyoko gang was having Dinner. Bloom joined them, to tell them the news. The Winx were a table away from them

William: So your old manager is comming to see your concert tomorrow?

Bloom: Correct! Musa seemed nervous, at the mention fo Jason. 

Laura: Why's that?

Bloom: Well...

Musa: He was a crush of mine, back then.

Odd: WHAT?!

Ulrich: I thought you had a boyfriend at that time!

Roxy: He and Musa broke up for a moment. She was determined to end things with him for good, at that time.

Musa: Well, we all broke up with our old boyfriends.

Roxy: I never had one, that time! Honestly, i was never to much fan of dating.

Jeremy: Had you met Odd, before Laura, he would be doing everything for you!

Odd: You are a preety girl, Roxy! But my dear Laura is the pretiest woman on Earth, for me!

Laura: Awww Odd! But how come you're like this with me, and with Bringa, you flipped complettly?!

Bloom: Who?

Ulrich: A girl from Iceland that got a view of the Supercomputer. We nearly broke apart that day.

William: I remember that! Wasn't it when i dragged Aelita to the Scyphozoa, in the Mountain Sector?

(Note: Read my fanfic Code Lyoko Kadic Bombshell to understand what William ment)

Clone: That one? 

Odd: Yeah, that one!

Ulrich: You went bananas big time, Odd!

Odd: What ever!


It's finally the day of the Winx's return to the Stage. They will performe at 10AM.  Right now, Bloom's class is having cience with Miss Hertz.

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