607 - Blocked

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XANA activated two Towers in sequence, releasing a spliting specter in Kadic. The Towers were flashing, to the point of not allowing the Lyoko warriors inside the Towers. Meanhwile, Aelita launched an attack to the Core Chamber, but thanks to Bloom, the Core was safe. Laura's quick logic neutralized the towers.

Episode 128 - Blocked

February 15, 10:59 AM. Jeremy's class was having a math class with miss Meyer. The bell was about to ring, meaning that class as about to end.

Meyer: And so, by finishing the equation, the value of "x" is 42º.(bell rings) We'll meet again tomorrow, and don't forget to finish exercise 16.

They left outside. Jeremy's group met with William and Yumi at teh vending machine. Bloom and the Winx were doing some planing for their return to the stage.

William: You think it's a good idea to let them debute first? Our plan kind of wastes time for us. 

Odd: I have to agree with William on that one!

Laura: As we move on, waiting for the Winx, XANA assembles his forces! And probably his army of robots from the Siberia Facility!

Jeremy: I'm well aware of the risks we're taking, but, we won't be able to reach out to XANA, if we don't do this! Don't forget. He's forcing us to use Return to the past, but thanks to the Winx, he hasn't made it.

Ulrich: The Return to the Past can make XANA even powerfull. We can't risk it happening.

Jeremy: That's why our only option is to move on with our main plan, right now.(Sissi comes in)

Sissi: Hi, guys! Have you seen Patrick?

Jeremy: My cousin?

Ulrich: Last i saw him, he was going to the soccer field, with Theo and Jean.

Sissi: Cool!(takes a soda from the machine) See ya!(leaves)

Ulrich: Is she having a thing for your cousin?

Jeremy: Don't ask me.

Odd: Well, at least her obsession with Ulrich is over!

Yumi: Not that i don't like her, but thank go for that!

Sissi left, but in the distance, it seems that, Herb was watching everything. Nicholas was with him to, but he didin't like how things were going.

Herb: So the new Belpois thinks that he can come in, and come to Sissi like that?!

Nicholas: I don't think you have any chance with Sissi.

Herb: Who are you to talk to be about chances?! When ever you try to take someone out, you say it's a breath taking ecpirience, and we just go fishing!

Nicholas: That's the kind of expirience to start things off. We never should go to fast with things.

Herb: That idiot Belpois is gonna get what's comming!

The Winx got to the vending machine. Roxy went to pull out a hot chocolat. She was with luck, because this time was decente.

Roxy: Hey, the Hot chocolat is decente, today!

Odd: How come? I just took one out, and was sawer!

Jeremy: This thing is a mistery to understand.

William: You're never luck with this thing, Odd!(sees Herb and Nicholas) Brace youselvs, huricane Herb is comming.

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