612 - Black Circle

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XANA Materialized three Megatanks, and destroyed the Scanners, leaving Yumi alone on Lyoko. Yumi was tricked by Aelita, and got stuck in a fake Volcano Sector, created by the Phantom Ruby. The Ninja Warrior was able to escape, and stoped XANA's attack.

Episode 132 - Black Circle

March 16, 11:30, Bloom was at the top of the School's roof. She looked up to the clear night sky, and into the stars that were giving it a small shine.

Bloom: Oh stars that reflect onto the Earth, i beg fir your assistance. Help me save my precious friend, and bring her back home.

Bloom prayed to the stars, and made her wish. She looked at them, and released a small flash of the Dragon Flame. She then teleported to her room.  What she didin't saw where the blue and pink glows of the stars, after Bloom did her prayer.

A few hours latter, it's now 7:30AM in the next day. We're on Lyoko.The pulsations floating through the Ice Sector lead to an Activated Tower located at the centre of a small, circular plateau surrounded by waterfalls.

The pulsations floating through the Ice Sector lead to an Activated Tower located at the centre of a small, circular plateau surrounded by waterfalls

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The acess to the Tower is blocked by Aelita and two Tarantulas. The spider monsters were shooting at the warriors, who were covering in the rocks near them.

Ulrich: XANA was not expecting us at all!

William: We have to find a way to reach that tower!

Odd: I have an idea!

Yumi: what it it?

The Tarantulas kept shooting. Ulrich, using Triplicate went to the monsters. The real one went to Aelita as the clones attacked the Tarantulas. Bloom took flight, with William following her. Odd and Yumi took on the Tarantulas. 

Aelita: Urgh! 

Ulrich pushed back. Aelita slamed her sword on the ground, releasing a shockwave. Ulrich jumped. Bloom shooted at Aelita, but missed. The Tarantulas kept shooting, and finally deleated the clones.

Yumi: Odd, trampollin spining top action!

Odd: Gotcha!

Yumi slided, and Odd jumpe on her feet. Yumi bounced Odd up, and he shooted one Tarantula down. The other attemped to shoot, but was slashed onthe XANA eye, by one of Yumi's fans.

Odd: How's that for coordination?

Jeremy: Well done, guys! Aelita is the only one left!

Aelita saw the Tarantulas blowing up. She saw that was surrounded, ans had no other choice but to back off, and leave. William took the chance, and got inside the Tower. He raised to the second level of the Tower, went to the center, and placed his hand on the interface.

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