610 - Disaster

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XANA teleported Aelita, and took advantage of the eclipse that was happening. It generated a cloud, that would drain the lifes of thsoe who inhaleid it. Laura seted a Countdown, as William and Bloom went to the Tower. William disabeled it, and removed the codes that XANA uses to control Aelita.

Episode 131 - Disaster

March 5, 11PM, Jeremy, William and Laura took advantage of the saturday, so that they could finish the program to bring back Aelita.

Jeremy: All that's left is to aply the codes William got from the Tower, XANA used to save Aelita.

Laura: Then we can launch it!

William: When will we execute it?

Jeremy: I'm hopping that we can do it tomorrow. We have to be fast! Daphne and Jason have nearly everything prepeared!

Laura: Boys, i'm feeling tiered, can we rest for a moment?

William: Don't worry. We can aply the codes. Go on, and rest.

Laura: Ok. Good night guys.

Laura went to sleep. She, would, of course pass  by Odd and  Ulrich to say good night to her boyfriend. She entered, and Odd was alone, with a video game.

Laura: Ulrich's not here?

Odd: He went to take a shower.

Laura: Well. I'll be taking one to. Just came to say, good night.(kisses Odd) See you tomorrow, dear!

Odd: Good night, sweetheart!(Laura leaves)

Next day, it's now March 6, and it's 7:30. Aelita's Clone, Odd and Laura were having breakfast. Ulrich and Bloom came in shortly.

Bloom: Morning, guys!

Odd: Morning!

Ulrich: William and Jeremy are not here, yet?

Laura: They stood up till 11PM, last night working on the program to save Aelita. I hope that they didn't over do themselves.

Odd: So we're gonna attack today?(Jeremy and William come in)

Jeremy: That's the plan!

Bloom: Morning, boys!

William: Morning! We only took a minute to finish the program, after formating everything.

Jeremy: Like last time, it neads a second interface to be executed, and must be one with a Supercalculator. We're gonna attack the Volcano Sector's supercomputer, and use its interface to execute the program!

Odd: Cool!

Ulrich: There's just one small isue. Who's driving the Skid?

Odd: Oh... We forgot about that...

William: I can drive it. Jeremy showed me the inside of the Skid yesterday, and i took a test drive. 

Jeremy: William can drive the Skid, not as good as Aelita, but good enough to reach the Volcano Sector.

Clone: I just hope that we don't have any problem.

Laura: We'll be going after lunch, is this okay?

Bloom: Seems good for me.

Jeremy: We only nead to talk with Yumi.

Ulrich: I'll tell her. Let's prepear everything.

Jeremy: Laura and I will be in the factory until lunch to prepear everything.

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