chapter 8

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Han pov
I was sitting silently next to soobin, who was chatting with beomgyu next to him.i saw their lips moving but I can't hear anything. I looked away glaring at my lap, tears threatened to fall from my eyes. But I can't, I can't show anyone my weak need to stay strong han at least for soobin.
I am so angry at hyunjin for what he did the reason why I didn't agree to his grandfather's suggestion about punishing him was that I knew that I will be useless if I made hyunjin angrier it will get worse for  me. I am sure the student will take his side too,I have soobin and the others with me but they can protect me forever.
He is hwang hyunjin and I am no one, I hate this... I hate the fact that I am powerless against him, I can't even protect myself just like when I was young, children in the orphanage bullied me because I didn't like specialising that was before i knew soobin though he protected me he taught me how to stand up to myself.

I am not weak, I became mentally and physically strong in the past few years. However, when I reached 18 without showing any powers, the weak scared boy come back.
I was too lost in my thoughts when all students looked back,I followed their gaze to find Felix yelling. He was fuming with anger, his neck veins looked like they are going to pop any second.
I took his seat back, I blinked confused by his actions when soobin handed me a paper.

Some students were talking about you...and Felix snapped at them.
I read his words making me more confused, why is he even trying to protect me?
I sight shaking my head, I don't need his pity. Seeing him like this only makes me feel worse.
Mr jung entered the class, he walked toward me giving me some books and notes, with a paper on top.

Dear han jisung,
This is principle hwang, I talked to all the professors about your situation this morning. The books in front of you has some information about different powers. Unfortunately, you can't participate or hear the teacher I think it is better if you read about them.the books are mainly about our powers's history and how to control them.
Please note that they are rare books so I trust you to take care of them.
I hope you get better soon, I apologize again for my grandson's reckless behavior.
                                 Principal hwang.

Why the hell is this man so interested in me, I never even met him in my life. Was he serious about punishing his grandson, I mean I was sure it was just an act. Why would he choose my side?
I looked at the books that mr jung gave me, they looked so old. My eyes scanned the room, everyone was focused on listening to the teacher.
I took the first book titled ' the origins of our powers '
Well, I know from where we got them everyone knows. Once in the past gods(just like greeks type of gods) start having children with humans which was forbidden, but that resulted the born of demigods who rebuild against the gods killing them. From that moment, generation after one until all humans had powers.but with years our powers became weakened, for example time god had the ability not just of stopping time but also see the future past and even travel through time. Now a person who control time can only stop it for couple of minutes or see a glimpse of it. There is of course some strong bloodlines that maintained someone of the Orginal powers in our country the hwangs and the lees, stories says that their bloodlines was the merge of many demigods with each other not with humans like others.
According to my knowledge only mr hwang can control time in this country at least.
Some powers went extinct like the power of life and death. They are the most dangerous ones out their I am happy now has them now.

I opened the book, and start reading it. All what I knew was already here, it is general knowledge. the book maybe gives more details about the evolution of powers, for example I found out that people who had control over thunder had also super speed.
I was so immersed in the book when I reach a section about the family trees and the original families.
Well the big two were for the hwangs and lees of course, with some mention to the seos  bangs, Kims and yangs of course specifically the ancestors of hyunjin squad, they are also so powerful.i also found out that the hwangs has a strong connection to shadowws while the lees to light which make sense their is at least one in each  generation who can control them.but what picked my interest was a few missing pages, honestly it made me panic a little, what if principal hwang blame for this.
I felt someone shaking me to find soobin smiling at me, I looked around everyone had left.
Even Felix,I thought he was going to stick to my side. I guess he got tired of me, I don't need him.
I put the books in my bag heading out, when I left the room I found Felix leaning against the wall, he smiled at me,i guess he still here.i looked at soobin who had an unreadable expression I said nothing and headed to the next class which was wang, told me to use the gym equipment as I please since I can't participate in group activities,i was so happy. Did I mention how much I love working out?

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