chapter 9

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Minho pov

After they left silence filled the whole cafeteria.until Felix came back.
"Where is hyunjin" chan asked
"Bathroom" he answered going toward his roommate, sitting in his previous seat.
"We should go and check on him" jeongin said making us nod.when we entered we found the bathroom filled with water and hyunjin on his knees glaring at the floor.
When he saw me he started blaming me until jeongin took him to his dorm seungmin tagging along with them.

Well it is kind of my fault I was the one who encouraged my brother to face him.
They are hurting each other, their relationship is not healthy. It is an obsession, I can't see my brother or my friend getting hurt because they can't deal with their emotions.
"What was that for?"changbin asked.
" nothing"i replied crossing my arms it is not my place to tell them about Felix and hyunjin's crazy adventure
"It didn't look like nothing to me"changbin added insisting.
" for God's sake, I said it is nothing.mind your business"i yelled making him jump a little while chan Hyung looked at me shocked.

I was always the one who controlled his emotions, it is rare for me to be seen like this or at least that's what people thought.
"Oh, sorry for being nosy I guess,hyung" changbin said leaving.
"Binie.." But he closed the door ignoring me.
"Baby, are you okay?" Chan said pulling me into a hug.
"Hyung,I didn't mean to yell at him...I am just..." I answered.
"It is okay, tell me when you are ready"he rubbed my back. this is one of the things that made me fall even more with chan, he is understanding and gives me time when I need it.

we are total opposites we always joked about it, saying that he is calm because he has earth and water as powers while  me because of my fire and wind powers I am moody, that's why we work great with each other. We are like a piece of a puzzles we fit together.
For people, I am calm and composed .but in reality I am not I just try to act like that, and then boom I explode at the wrong time.

" I need to apologise to binie"i pulling back.i feel bad for yelling at him he was just worried about us, but I was blaming myself when he kept asking. What if telling Felix to leave hyunjin will make things worse.
"Yes, you do" he smiled showing his dimples.
"Hyung, thank you" I said
"For what?" He asked confused.
"For always being by my side" I said, he smiled at me
"I am always here for you, now let's report this" he pointed at the destroyed bathroom.

Han pov
Hyunjin just took Felix and left, even when I am incapable of hearing right now I can sense the awkward silence that filled the place.
Soobin suddenly patted my shoulder making me look at him he handled me his phone.

You are roommates with those two, are they a thing?

"What do you... You mean dating" I whispered. He just nodded.
I thought about it, well I sensed some tension between them but I don't think they are dating.
"I don't know" I answered honestly.

Shortly,Felix entered the cafeteria he said something to his friends making them leave after.
Then he came toward our table seating silently, he had this look in his eyes... Like he just lost a piece of his heart. I gulped before I leaned in toward him hoping he won't get angry at me. He is just unexpected one time he is nice and the other he acts like I don't exist. But I feel worried about him.
"Are you okay?" I mumbled.he looked at me with wide eyes before he nodded with a smile, yet I know it is not a genuine one.

All of the boys stood up,I figured that it is time for our next class with Mrs Kim.i followed them silently.

Felix pov

I did not pay any attention to the class, I felt han's eyes watching with worry the whole time. Hyunjin was nowhere to be seen, I didn't ask but seungmin told me that he went to his room after what happened in the bathroom. After class I walked with han silently to our dorm.
When I was about to open the door he stopped me.
"Felix, I know we are not close.but I am here if you want to talk " he said awkwardly unsure if he did the right thing. He looks cute when he is nervous.
I took my phone : thank you han, I will keep that in mind.
He smiled at my reply before he entered the dorm each on of us heading toward his room.

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