Chapter 23

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Felix pov
"What was that?" I asked looking around
"you tell us" minho replied.
"I have no idea what he is talking about?" I answered .
"I guess, it is enough for today. Good night " seungmin said leaving with his boyfriend .
"yes, good night" I said getting up with han.

"so" I said laying on my tent patting the place next to me mentioning for han to lay down.
"so?" he replied hugging me.
"am I your first boyfriend too?" I asked making him look at me.
"yes" he nodded with a pout.
"I don't want you to get me wrong , but why. I mean your good looking with a great personality why you never dated" I asked feeling curious .
"I don't know I never been interested in relationships before, I always stayed alone in the orphanage except with soobin of course... I don't know actually there is no reason, no one asked me and I didn't ask anyone out" he said smiling ."I was waiting for you" he added with a playful smirk.
"were you now?" I mirrored his smirk, leaning in to kiss him.

He straddled me not breaking the kiss, I barely pulled back from his grip.
"hanie, calm down" I said laughing.
"but I want you"he pouted.
"you are drunk, the rest can hear us and I am sure like hell I will not let your lose your virginity here" I pecked his lips, hugging him closer.
I suddenly heard a soft snores making me let a chuckle.
"you are so damn cute, I love you ji" I whispered before I feel asleep.

Next morning
I opened my eyes hearing the sound of birds outside, han was laying on top of me sleeping peacefully.
I tried to move but he groan not letting me .
"stay " he murmured.
"I need to use the restroom " I said making him move."thank you" i added.
I opened the tent before I closed it behind me.
"lix, you are up" chan said smiling.
"yeah" I replied heading toward the restroom.

"so, hangover soup" chan offered when I came back.
"sure, but I don't feel bad. Hyunjin probably will need 3 portions" I chuckled.
"morning " jeongin said, it is not really morning it is already 1 pm but whatever.
One by one all of them were out sitting outside of the tents.
"so chef, what 's for lunch" minho asked me.
"why would I cook?"I asked confused.
"you are the best here, I will help come on" he said dragging me to take the ingredients .

"so, how are things ?" he asked as we when far from the rest
"what things ?" I raised my brow getting the bags from the bus.
"you and han.... Hyunjin" I said blinking.
"same old hyung, han and I are fine, when we thought hyunjin warm up to us, he just had to have that stupid dream " I murmured.
"what dream?" he asked leaning on the bus.
I sight " so...." I explained to him while he listened carefully .
"I kind understand why he is scared but what if him pushing you away will get han killed not getting close" he pointed making me hum in agreement .
"that's a possibility, I am confused. Han wanted to talk to him but I told him to give him more time, you know how stubborn he is" I said.

"yes, now let's go we have six people starving there" he pointed at the rest who were looking at us confused, not hyunjin thought he was in the edge on the mountain staring at the sea.

"what were talking about I am hungry" jeongin said pouting .
"okay, we will start. Who is going to help with cleaning " I asked .
"changbin and I already agreed we will help now and the rest can do dinner " chan said making me nod.
"okay let's start" I said getting to work.

Hyunjin pov
I stayed silently watching the water from afar, it looks so peaceful.
I start controlling it, making a small ball of water then drop it. My water powers are still weaker then the rest since I didn't have time to train it more.
But I like it as a power, water is so peaceful unlike fire it calms me off.
"let's go for a swim" seungmin said making me agree, since felix and the hyungs are helping with lunch.only the four of us went.

I stayed in a rock watching the other three ran to water.
I smiled at them, han didn't try to talk to me since yesterday I am thankful for that.
I was lost in my thoughts, watching them play happily.
"ya, jeongin" seungmin yelled at him boyfriend who splashed a lot of water on him laughing.
"do you find this funny" seungmin smirk using his powers to create a big wave making jeongin froze
"no hyung I am sorry " but seungmin hit him with it making him go under water.
Second after, he came back like a wet kitten sending death glare at seungmin.
"it was just a small splash, what are trying to kill me" he pouted making the three of us laugh.
"hyunjin, come join us" seungmin yelled .

I glanced toward han who was looking at me with hopeful eyes
"sorry, I don't feel like it "I replied laying back .
They continued messing around and I just watched the sky.
"can we talk ?" han said sitting next to me.
"I have nothing to talk about" I said closing my eyes.
"felix told me about the dream" he said making me froze but I didn't say anything " hyunjin it is just dream, you won't hurt me I trust you" he continued .
"you don't know me to trust me. I hurted you before what makes you think I won't do it again" I said standing up.
"I forgive you for that along time ago ... Hyunjin I lik..."
"no don't, I will only hurt you. I can't go through an other heartbreak not again" I said shaking my head .
"who did you lose jin" he said taking my hand into his.
"I... I can't leave me alone" I said running toward my tent.

3Rd pov
Han watched hyunjin ran away,
'so he lost some one this is why he is afraid of commitment ' han thought.
"why did he leave?" jeongin asked
"I don't know... Let's go lunch is ready" han said getting up.
They walked silenty toward our camp,
"what happened to him", chan pointed at hyunjin's tent.
"nothing, let's call him for..."
" he said he is not hungry ".
"don't worry, he will eat later" changbin said smiling

All the boys sit down eating, chatting from time to time .
"sir, I have eyes on them" a man holding a sniper said in his phone .
"do you have eyes on the target"
"negative" he replied .
"wait then" he said hanging up.
"come one where are you, where did you go hwang" the sniper said smirking as he watched the boys eat happily .
"let's see how long will those smiles stay for " he said smirking.
"okay, it is 5 pm. Hyunjin should eat something" chan said going to call hyunjin out.
"hyunjin, it is almost dinner, came out please" chan said
Right after a sleepy boy left the tent.
"I fall asleep sorry" hyunjin said as he joined the boys.
"so what should we do tonight" felix asked hugging han.
"we could ..."

A loud noise coming from the trees stopped them, a small bird attacked the sniper making him fall into the ground.
"shit" the man said heading behind a tree fixing his gun ready to shot hyunjin.
"what was that?" han said getting up.
" it came from there, let's check" minho said about to walk closer .
"no hyunjin..." han's eyes traveled to hyunjin chest to see a red point.
Everything happened so fast, a gun shot was heard, birds start flying away.

Hyunjin pov
I stood froze in my place as we heard the shoot, what made me more shocked is han's body laying on the ground in front of me.
"get him" I heard chan hyung say running after the man
"han..." I fall into my knees shaking him.
"han" felix said crunching down .
"I ... Am okay.." han breathed.
"you are not..." my eyes traveled down his chest to see a bullet wound near his heart.
"han, please. Stay with us we call an ambulance " minho yelled
"why? Why did you do it idiot?" I said crying.
"because I care... about you...i am ... Going to rest ... " he said closing his eyes
"no, baby han... Wake up please ...."Felix said crying hugging him.

"he... He is not... Breathing"changbin said checking his breathe , felix fell back watching with wide eyes filled with horror not moving an inch.
"what no he is okay... Han wake up please ... You can't die .... I can 't lose you... Why ... Why do I have to go through this twice... I wanted to protect you....i love you please hanie... I didn't even have the chance to tell you... You are not dead... You can't do this to me" I said sobbing " felix ... Hey look at me... He is fine " I added shaking him.
"he is not...." felix murmured stayed still like a statute.
"no, he will wake up" I said caressing his cheeks " come on wake up idiot" I hugged him soaking myself in to his blood.
The dream, he is even wearing the same outfit, I glanced at felix who looked at me with wide eyes he must remembered the scene.
" Wake up" I shook him hard.
"hyunjin stop it" changbin pulled me away." he is gone" he added.

"han jisung is dead" he said again making me freeze before I felt darkness consume me.

Felix pov

I looked at han's dead body, and hyunjin's unconscious one. Not knowing what to do, he is dead. My mind just froze.
I can hear screams around me yet I couldn't move .
He is dead, he is dead... That's the only thing that filled my mind.

"felix" minho hyung said bringing me to the real world
"he is dead " I murmured.
"I am sorry" he replied.
"he ran" chan hyung said coming back but soon froze seeing han's unmoving body.
"omg" he said
"he is dead" I said again.
" I lost him.... He is dead....i promised to take care of him.... I failed him... He is dead" I said before I fell hitting the ground

" I am sorry, han" a man said leaving the scene.

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