2 | snow

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"Komaeda-kun, I bought you some clothes!" Hanako called out, walking into his room. She handed him a bag and he looked up at her.

"Thank you... th-thank you for taking me in..."

"Of course, sweetie. Now, put them in your closet, alright?"


Komaeda unpacked everything and put it in place. As he did so, he felt sad. He missed his parents so, so much. Suddenly, the door opened and Hinata walked inside.

"Wanna play some video games?" He asked.

"Uhm... sure." Komaeda smiled slightly. They went into Hinata's room. It was big. He had a TV on the wall and a bunch of consoles in a shelf under it. He turned one of them on and handed Komaeda a controller.


Hinata explained how the game worked to him and they began. Komaeda couldn't focus on the game though. He wondered... were Hinata and him friends? He'd never had a friend before. Even when his parents were alive, everyone in his school thought he was weird.

"Oh... I lost," The pale boy said.

"Haha!" Hinata laughed. They played a few more rounds until they got bored. Hanako came in and brought them snacks. They tasted amazing.

"Hinata-kun." Komaeda pointed at the window. "It's snowing,"

The brunette smiled and got up, grabbing Komaeda's hand. He didn't know why, but his cheeks felt hot when he did that. They put on warm clothes and went outside. Hinata's dog followed them.

"Uhm... so what are we gonna do, Hinata-kun?" Suddenly, a snowball got thrown right at his face. "Hey!" He yelled, quickly throwing snow at Hinata too. "What did you do that for?"

"Huh? Have you never heard of snowball fights?"


"Huh?!" He shrieked. "Well... wanna build a snowman instead then?"

"Yes!" Komaeda smiled brightly. They began to form huge balls of snow and put them on top of each other. Hinata went inside and got a carrot while Komaeda looked for sticks. He put them on both sides of the snowman and then used stones as buttons and a face. When he was done, he smiled. This was fun. Hinata came back and stuck the carrot into the snowman.

"He looks like you,"

"Huh? No, he doesn't," Komaeda said.

"Yes, he does. He's as pale as you,"

"I-I'm not that pale!" He huffed, crossing his arms. Hinata only laughed in response. They eventually went back inside. Hanako walked up to them.

"Komaeda-kun, don't you need to go to school, by the way? How will you get there?"

"I don't have a school... I got expelled," He explained.

"Oh no. Why?"

"My grades were too bad," He said.

"I see. Look, I'll do my best to get you to a new school, okay?"

He nodded. He truly didn't understand why Hanako took such good care of him when he had done nothing for her.

A few days passed and they went to see a school together. It was the same one Hinata went to. They sat in the principal's office. Komaeda was extremely nervous. He only had bad experiences with schools.

"If he wants, Komaeda-kun is welcome to go here." He smiled. "I'll send you the list of materials and the uniform, alright?"

After a few more minutes of talking, the appointment was over. Komaeda's hands were shaking as he got back into the car.

"What's wrong?" Hanako asked.

"I-I don't wanna go back to school... I'll g-get beat up and teased a-again..." He whispered.

"Hey, don't worry. I'll tell Hajime to protect you, okay?"

"N-no... I don't want to burden him..."

She sighed. "Hajime likes you. You're not a burden to him at all. You're a very sweet boy, Komaeda-kun,"

He stayed silent for the rest of the ride.

♡ Everybody loves somebody | Hinakoma/Komahina | FINISHED♡Where stories live. Discover now