4 | Enoshima

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"Hinata-senpai!!" Her annoying voice yelled. "I'm hungry! Make me a snack!"

Hinata really didn't like Enoshima, but their parents were friends so he had to hang out with her. She'd had an obvious crush on him since they were kids, which annoyed the hell out of him. Her crush wasn't the problem, but she was just so obvious and weird about it. She constantly said gross things to him and she kept flirting even though he'd told her several times he had no interest in her.

Komaeda walked downstairs, tired. It was pretty late after all. He was about to fall asleep when he heard her. He yawned as he arrived in the kitchen.

"Hinata-kun, is everything okay? I heard yelling..." He muttered. "Oh, Enoshima-san is still here?"

"Yep! I am! Happy to see me?"

"I mean... I guess so," He said, shrugging.

"Everything's fine, Komaeda. Enoshima's just hungry,"

"I see. I'll go back to bed then. Good night..." He left the kitchen, but stopped when he heard Enoshima speak again.

"Hinata-senpai, when are you finally gonna kick your boy toy out? He's annoying,"

"I told you, we're not together and I won't kick him out! Stop being so damn jealous," he hissed.

She pouted. "I can't help it. No girl could control herself around you,"

Hinata stayed quiet. He wished she would just leave. "Here's your stupid food." He handed her a plate.

"Thanks, babe!" She winked at him.

Komaeda sighed. She really didn't like him, huh? No wonder. He was useless after all. But... were Hinata and her a couple? He told her to stop being jealous. Why would she be jealous if Hinata wasn't her boyfriend? Komaeda shrugged it off and went back to his room.

After half an hour, Enoshima dragged Hinata upstairs again. They sat down on his bed next to each other. She was way too close to him.

"Enoshima, it's getting late. You should probably-" She suddenly pulled him in for a kiss. Hinata pushed her away. "What the hell?!"

"Sorry." She giggled. "Couldn't help myself,"

Hinata looked away, grossed out. "Look, I want you to leave, alright?"

"Nope! Not alright! We're having a sleepover,"

"That's not happening,"

"If you kick me out, I'll tell your parents you forced me to kiss you." She said, her eyes darkening and her smile disappearing.

"You can't do that! That's not even true!"

"They'd belive me though, wouldn't they?" She asked. Hinata knew she was right.

"Ugh, fine. I'll show you where the guest rooms are,"

"No!" She shook her head. "We're sleeping in the same bed!"

Hinata sighed. He knew he couldn't say no. "Alright, fine. I'm going to bed now." He turned off the light and laid down. Hinata shut his eyes tightly, pretending she wasn't even there. That was hard though, when her arms wrapped around him from behind.

"Don't touch me!" He hissed. She ignored him. He didn't sleep well that night.

In the morning, he woke up to Enoshima in just her underwear. Embarrassed, he looked away.

"Aw, no need to be shy. I want you to look,"

"I don't wanna see it,"

"I know you dooo,"

The door suddenly opened and Komaeda walked inside. "Hinata-kun, your mom said- Ah! I-I'm sorry! I didn't mean to interrupt you guys!" He covered his face in embarrassment.

"You didn't! We weren't doing anything!" Hinata sat up.

"I-it's okay! I won't tell anyone! I'll go now!" He stuttered out.

"No! Stay here. It's fine. What did you wanna tell me?"

"W-well... your mom told me to... uhm... c-could you maybe put on a shirt?" He asked. Hinata looked down. Why the hell was he shirtless?! Enoshima must have taken it off while he was asleep. God, she was disgusting. He looked on the floor and saw his shirt there.

"Uhm... here..." Komaeda carefully handed it to him and turned around. Hinata quickly put it on and told him he could turn around again.

"Okay so, your mother told me to wake you so we could go to a bakery together. She and your dad want croissants,"

"I see. I'll get ready real quick and then we can go, okay?"

"Mhm! Enoshima-san, do you want to come with us?" Komaeda asked.

"Of course! There's no way I'd let my precious boyfriend leave the house without me!"

"I'm not your boyfriend!"

Komaeda didn't really understand their relationship. He decided to just leave for now. A few minutes later, Hinata and Enoshima went downstairs and they left the house. She was clinging onto Hinata's arm.

♡ Everybody loves somebody | Hinakoma/Komahina | FINISHED♡Where stories live. Discover now