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It was raining and late at night. Komaeda sat on the sidewalk, sobbing. He had nowhere to go. No one to ask for help. He was all alone.

His parents had died a while ago and he'd inherited all their money. Sadly though, a distant relative came along with a different will from the one that said Komaeda would inherit their money. It was probably fake anyway, but the police believed him. Now that guy had all his money. He had no idea how he was supposed to survive much longer. He'd been homeless for a month now and he still hadn't come to terms with the death of his parents.

Komaeda was freezing cold. Since his jacket was wet, it didn't help much either. He felt like he was gonna pass out. He just wanted his old life back. He missed its parents and he missed his house. His parents hadn't been rich, but able to provide a comfortable life for Komaeda. A couple walked past him. Then they stopped and turned back around.

"Hey there," The woman said soflty. Komaeda looked up. They both wore very fancy clothes. "Where are your parents, sweetie?" She asked.

The pale boy began crying again and she crouched down to rub his back. "Why aren't you at home? It's dangerous here,"

"M-my p-parents died... I-I don't have a ho-home," He managed to say.

The woman looked at her husband and he nodded. "How about you come with us?"


She got up and held out her hand. Komaeda hesitantly took it. The couple lead him to a huge mansion. These people sure had a lot of money. The house was nice and warm from the inside.

The man showed him the way to the bathroom and told him to take a shower. "I'll get you some dry clothes in the meantime, yeah? Just make sure to warm up again,"

Komaeda nodded and took off his clothes. He stepped inside the shower and turned the water on hot. He sighed in relief when he began feeling his fingers again. Once he was done with the shower, the man had placed clothes in front of the door. He quickly put them on. They were a bit too big on him. Komaeda dried his hair and left the bathroom. He found the couple in their kitchen.

"Ah, there you are," The woman said. "By the way, my name is Hinata Hanako. My husband is Hinata Souta. It's nice to meet you,"

"I-I'm Komaeda Nagito," He nervously said. "Thank you for helping me,"

"No need to thank us, we just did what's right," Souta said. "You should sleep now. Tomorrow we'll see what to do with you, yeah?"


They brought him to a big guest room. The bed was very comfortable and Komaeda easily relaxed into the soft mattress.

The next morning he woke up and strechted. He slowly got out of bed and opened the door. There, he saw the back of a boy with brown hair. Scared, he wanted to go back to his room, but the boy heard him.

"Hey, who the hell are you? Why are you in my house?"

"U-uhm! I-I..."

The boy grabbed him by the collar of his shirt. "Answer me or I'll call the cops on you!"

"No! P-please no!"

"Hajime, let go of him!" Hanako ran towards them.

"You know him, mom?"

She nodded. "Come with me, okay?"

They walked into the kitchen and sat down. The boy's parents explained the situation to him.

"I see." He looked at Komaeda. "Sorry about that then,"

"I-it's okay..."

"Uhm, my name's Hinata Hajime. Yours?"

"K-Komaeda Nagito..."

"Well then... I hope we get along better from now on,"

"Me too..."

♡ Everybody loves somebody | Hinakoma/Komahina | FINISHED♡Where stories live. Discover now