10 | I still love you | last chapter

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"Kyaaaaa! Hajime-chan finally has a boyfriend!" Mioda squealed.

"I told you he was gay," Nanami said.

"Congrats!" Souda grinned.

"Yeah, yeah. It's whatever," He said, rolling his eyes.

"Nagito-chan, I can't believe it! Hajime-chan is so lucky he gets to have a pretty boy like you!"

"Ah, thank you, Mioda-san, but I'm not-"

"Hey! No self-hatred allowed!" She yelled.

"Sorry..." He rubbed his arm.

"Why do you hate yourself anyway? You're, like, totally cool," Souda questioned.

Komaeda looked down at his lap. "That doesn't really matter..."

"Great way to ruin the mood, Kazuichi-chan!" Mioda scolded.

"Hey now, don't be mean, Ibuki-chan," Nanami told her.

"Sorryyy... Anyway! Nagito-chan, is this your first relationship?"


"Oooh! You can always ask the great Mioda Ibuki for advice, you know?"

He giggled. "I'll keep that in mind,"

Later at home, Komaeda and Hinata were cuddling. Komaeda's head laid on Hinata's chest.

"Your hair's tickling me..." Hinata muttered, half asleep.

Komaeda giggled.

"You're so evil..." Hinata whispered. "Laughing at my suffering,"

"Hehe... You're funny, Hi-kun,"

Hinata kissed his boyfriend's forehead. "And you're cute,"

"Am not." He pouted.

"You're literally proving my point right now, but whatever," Hinata said, giggling. He pinched Komaeda's cheeks.

"Oww!" The pale boy whined. "You're gonna pull me apaaaart!"

"That's what you get for saying you're not cute! Like Mioda told you, no self hatred allowed!" He rolled over so he was hovering above Komaeda and began kissing his face. Komaeda laughed.

"Hey, you're so mean!"

"Yeah? Well, you're really pretty!" He kissed his cheek. "And smart." Another kiss. "And kind." A kiss on the forehead. "And a super cool boyfriend!" He then kissed him on the lips. Komaeda turned bright red. Suddenly, this all seemed much more romantic. He was laying on the bed kissing his boyfriend, after all.

"You alright? You look a little red," Hinata said.

Komaeda nodded. "I just... I'm new to all this, kinda nervous,"

"Hey, it's new for me too. Let's figure everything out together, okay?"

"Mhm! Sounds like a plan." Hinata and him sat up again. "Also, just so you know... Enoshima-san has a... uhm..." He blushed. "Shehasahickeyandistellingeveryoneitsfromyou!" He blurted out.

"Wha... a hickey? From me? Ugh, can she stop lying for once? Annoying as hell..."

"Agreed. I mean, I know she's lying! I didn't believe it don't worry! You wouldn't do that,"

Hinata hugged him. "Damn right I wouldn't. I... really like you,"

Komaeda kissed his cheek. "Do you think people are gonna judge me now? Considering she outed me..."

"Oh." Hinata looked surprised. "That... that was true?"

Komaeda's eyes widened. "Please don't be mad at me!"

"I'm not! I'm mad at her for telling everyone,"

"You still like me then? Even if... I'm uh... Trans?"

"Of course!" He kissed his boyfriend's cheek. "I always will,"

Thank you all so much for reading! I hope you enjoyed it, even if it was a bit short!

♡ Everybody loves somebody | Hinakoma/Komahina | FINISHED♡Where stories live. Discover now