6 | party

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"Hinata-kun?" Komaeda asked, entering his room.


"Uhm, your mother made cookies. Do you want some?" He put the plate on his bedside table.

"Ugh... everything sucks, you know?"

"I don't think so." He sat down on the bed next to Hinata. "No one's pure evil. I'm sure Kamukura-kun will open up to you if you're nicer to him,"

"It's not that easy!" He sat up. "Everything got better once he left! He always had all the attention of our parents and now he does again! I just want him to go away!"

Komaeda rubbed his back, sighing. "But why can't you guys just make up? I bet there's a reason he's so upset with you,"

"Then he should just tell me already!" Hinata shouted. "Why can't he just piss off?!"

"Uhm... I-I don't know, but I mean... aren't twins always super close? I'm sure you guys can-"

"Stop saying that! I don't want us to be on good terms, I just don't want him to make fun of me all the damn time!"

"Sorry..." Komaeda muttered.

"It's fine. Look, let's forget about the Izuru thing, alright? Mioda invited me to a party at her house. Do you wanna come with me?"

"Huh? When is it?"


"Tonight?! That's so spontaneous!"

"And? What's wrong with that?" He smirked. "Scared?"

"I'm not scared!" Komaeda huffed and crossed his arms. He lied though. He was super scared. He'd never been to a party, but there was no way he'd tell Hinata that.

"Alright then! I'm gonna bring you there. Let's tell mom you're going too."

They went into the kitchen where Hanako was currently cleaning up her baking supplies.

"Uh, mom? Can Komaeda go to the party too?"

"If he wants to, sure! But only if you promise to take good care of him!"

"Of course." He grinned and put a hand on Komaeda's shoulder. "I'll make sure to protect him from... I don't know... people..?"

She smiled and nodded. "Alright, I trust you,"

Komaeda felt his cheeks heat up. Protect..? It had been so long since he felt protected. Living on the streets always made him feel the opposite, like no one cared about him at all. Like everyone wanted to hurt him.

The evening came and they arrived at Mioda's place. It was big since she was a famous musician. They both stepped inside. It was loud and there were flashing lights everywhere.

"This is... a bit much," Komaeda said.

"If this is too much for you, you'd die at Enoshima's parties." Hinata chuckled. "It's always quiet on the balcony on the second floor though, if you ever need a break,"

The pale boy gave a small nod. "Hajime-chaaan!" Mioda ran towards him. "Nagito-chan, you too?! I'm so glad you could make it!"

"Hey, Mioda," Hinata said.

"You so have to come try this drink I bought! Don't worry, there's no alcohol in it!" She grabbed Hinata's hand and dragged him away.

Oh. Komaeda was alone now. He tried hard to find Hinata, but couldn't. It was crowded and loud. He covered his ears as he searched for the balcony. Once he found it, he sighed in relief and sat down there. After a few minutes of calming silence, Kamukura entered it.

"Huh? Why are you here?"

"Souda's here. He's an old friend of mine. I thought the least I could do was say hi since I'm in town anyways. Why are you alone?"

"Hinata-kun left me,"

Kamukura nodded. "I told you he was no good,"

Komaeda glared at him. "Shut up, I'm sure he'll come here eventually,"

"Are you?"

He nodded.

"I see. Well, I'll be taking my leave now. See you later." He went back inside.

Komaeda continued sitting on the balcony, knees pulled to his chest. It was cold since it was winter. He could faintly hear the music from downstairs playing. Hinata didn't come back for him. After around two hours, Komaeda gained the courage to go back inside. He finally found Hinata. Without saying a word, he dragged him out of the house.

"Why are we leaving so early?"

"That party sucks," Komaeda stated.

"It was fun,"

"No, it wasn't, you jerk,"

"Huh? Did I do something?"

"Hmph!" Komaeda huffed and crossed his arms. He ignored Hinata from then on.

Once they arrived at their home again, Hanako opened the door, smiling. "How was it? Did you have fun, Komaeda-kun?"

"Not really,"

"Oh dear, what happened?"

"Someone," He shot Hinata a glare. "Thought it would be fun to leave me all alone for two hours,"

"What?!" Hanako gasped. "Hajime, what the heck?!"

"I didn't mean to. I got distracted,"

Komaeda rolled his eyes. "I don't care why you did it." He began walking away. "Good night, Hinata-san." He walked into his room and curled up on the bed. Tears slowly began to build in his eyes.

♡ Everybody loves somebody | Hinakoma/Komahina | FINISHED♡Where stories live. Discover now