Together Forever #6

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"Love is no joke, Feng-xin." Muttered Xielian as he left.
Feng-xin felt chills go down his spine, he felt like he was targeted at today. What was happening?
He opened his phone, and saw over 99+ Message Notifs. It was from some "girl."
He quickly replied to her, "Im so sorry dear, im busy right now. But i will call you back." He typed aggressively with a sulking face. He felt pissed that she had to ruin the mood even more. He scoffed and quickly closed his phone to jam in his pockets.
Then he laid back on the chair, exhaled and then fell asleep.
How could he fall asleep while his lover is being perfomed surgery on? Has he no shame?

Its been a week, Mu-qing has still not regained consciousness. Doctors are analyzing whether he'll even survive still.
"I should pick up some flowers for him." Feng-xin had a though for Mu-qing, he hasnt visited him in some time. He was busy doing his own self pleasuring shit. All while his lover was dying.

Is it even his lover still? .

Feng-xin drove to a near florist shop, to send Mu-qing some flowers.
"Ooh, im sure he'll like these." He picked up a bouquet full of white roses and lilies. It was wrapped around a pretty glistening thin paper layer around the base of it too. Feng-xin smiled and brought it to the counter to pay.

After he bought it, he immediately went to the car to drive to his hospital. Although he was seeing others, he missed him. Of course, he was his husband. Feng-xin then parked his car. He got out and was a little excited to see him again. He exhaled to calm himself down and then he headed to the unit.

Mu-qing wasnt inside at all, when feng-xin entered. He and the nurse went out for a stroll. He was in a wheelchair, it would be bad for him if he walked on his own, so. Feng-xin noticed them walking in the main lobby after realizing Mu-qing wasnt in his room.

"Feng-xin.?" Mu-qing immediately knew who that figure standing by his room was. His "so-called" lover. He looked away, and told the nurse to bring him elsewhere. Feng-xin knew that Mu-qing was upset, but he didnt exactly know why. He got a bit mad about it, he thought Mu-qing was unreasonable. (Oh.. was he really huh?)

Feng-xin ran over quickly to catch up to them, "Mu-qing, wait!" He wailed out while sprinting to them as they distanced every second. The nurse noticed him calling out so she stopped walking and faced him. "Were you looking for him sir?" She politely asked and brought Mu-qing to face him.

"Yeah, thank you. I wanna talk to him for a moment, can i walk him for a second instead?" Feng-xin asked in his out-of-breath voice. The nurse asked if Mu-qing knew Feng-xin,Mu-qing just said, "Sure." Then the nurse followed a reply," Well then, Of course, i will prepare his medicine real quick, please just walk him around and bring him back into the room after 10 minutes."
Feng-xin smiled in a friendly manner and watched her go to his room to fix his meds.

He then took out the bouquet he bought him, and handed it to Mu-qing, "Listen, i know you're upset at me.. i clearly dont know why but i want you to be happy, and this is my compensation gift for you since i havent visited you in awhile.." Then he kneeled down and kissed Mu-qing. Mu-qing just let him be, he really couldnt care less now. He was hurt by the fact that he didnt even bother to ring him down on the phone.

Mu-qing scoffed and gripped the armrests of the wheelchair, "Just keep going." He meant he should just keep moving him on the wheelchair. Feng-xin nodded and silently pushed him, they went around for a couple of minutes, then immediately went back to the room.

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