Moving in ~1

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Hey, this is just an intro chapter it isn't 100% necessary, but I would strongly encourage you read it so you have a better understanding! But if you wish to skip and go straight to the job, continue to the next chapter! Anyways, enjoy!!!😎

Your POV

I slammed my hand down on the alarm I set for 8:30 am. I rolled out of bed and landed with a thud, effectively waking me up. I look at my now empty bedroom before going to the bathroom. I was moving out of my parent's house today. 22 was the year we get 'kicked' out; it had been the same for my older brother, Alex. They didn't kick us out the day we turn 22, my parents let us stay for a few years after 18 so we could start looking for apartments.

I brushed my teeth and washed my face, starting to feel a little more refreshed. I then fixed my hair and put it into a simple ponytail. I got dressed in the outfit I picked out, seeing how the rest of my clothes had been moved into a van we rented for my 'moving out'.

I unplugged my phone from the charger and put it into my pocket. I took off my bed sheets and packed them away into a bag. I left my mattress and my empty dresser since this would be the new guest room. I carried my luggage and suitcases down the stairs and smelled breakfast. "Morning Y/n!" My mom said, looking up at me with a smile as I made my way to the front door.. "Morning mom." I replied, returning the smile.

I made my way to the moving van and put my stuff inside. "You ready to move out?" My dad asked, patting my shoulder. "I mean, I can't wait to get out the house!" I joked, shrugging my shoulders. I saw mom making breakfast by the stove. "Smells good mom." I said, sitting down at the table. "Thanks, Y/n, I made your favorite." She said, putting the breakfast on a plate. She gave you your plate and poured you some orange juice.

Dad made his to-go plate since he had to leave for work. "I get to help you move in!" My mom said, clearly excited to help me unpack and move in. "Can't wait! Check-in is at 10:30 isn't it?" I asked, eating the last few bites of breakfast. "Yup, we need to leave in five. So make sure you have everything, and if you forget anything, feel free to call us and we can drop it off later." Mom said, sipping at her orange juice.

"Sounds good." I said, getting up and putting my dishes in the sink. I put on socks and shoes before putting on a light jacket. The weather had become cooler, since we were transitioning into fall. I did a mental checklist, making sure I had everything and made my way to the front door. I put my keys into my pocket and headed outside.

I unlocked my car and started the engine. I saw my mom walk out the front door and get into her car as well. I knew where the apartments were so she would be following me. It wasn't a far drive, about 15 minutes. We passed some fast food places, reminding me I needed to apply for a job soon. I made a left and drove into the apartment complex.

The colors were pretty nice and neutral; just a simple grey, black, and some white. There were 6 floors, and each room had a balcony. The best part was, the rent was cheap. Just a minimum of 150 dollars a month, it's better than a lot of places in the area. My mom parked next to me and we both turned off our cars and got out.

My room was on the 4th floor, so I got a nice little view; but there would be a lot of back and forth while unpacking. The moving van pulled in as well and we got to work.


Once we got all of my bins, luggage, and bags in my room; it was 12:47 pm. That means it took us about 2 hours to move all of my stuff in. Now we get to unpack. I took a look around for the first time. It looked the same as the picture on the website.

There was a kitchen to the right of the door with a fridge, microwave, and a small stovetop surrounded by countertops. The living room was in front of the window/balcony; which was on the far side of the room. A simple TV stood on some drawer compartments in front of a couch. Cute. You thought, looking to your left. You saw a small hallway with 4 doors; 2 on each side.

The right doors held a bathroom and a guest bedroom. The left doors held the main bedroom and a storage closet. You looked into your bedroom and saw a mattress and a closet. There was a fan light on the ceiling and two windows on the other side of the room.

This was going to be great.


You had everything moved in and mom went out to buy you groceries. So you went through your phone for a bit. You got a text from your ex Nathaniel (Nathan)


I hear you moved out, How is it?😏

Lose my number.

That's not a way to treat your boyfriend y/n

You're delusional. I broke up with you last week.
Get over it

Fine. Have it your  way.


I couldn't believe him. The relationship lasted three months, all because he kept taking advantage of me and forcing me to do stuff. He seemed like a nice guy for the first week, but he progressively got worse. I want nothing to do with him.

You heard your mom come through the door with groceries and you put your phone away. "Let me help you." You said taking some out of her hands. You put stuff in the fridge and the small cabinets next to the microwave. "Thank you so much for helping me move in mom." You said, hugging her. "No problem y/n. Call me if you need anything." She said before leaving.

You looked at the time. 5 pm, jeez, we spent a long time unpacking, You thought, making your way into the kitchen looking for something to eat for dinner. You found some snacks in the pantry and an apple. You later got in your bed and scrolled through TikTok. You came across an ad. You were about to scroll until you heard the word 'hiring'. So you started to listen.

This must be the new Freddy Fazbear location I heard about. Maybe it wouldn't be too bad to work there, it was pretty popular when I was younger. I used to go there frequently...before it got shut down. It played some music while showing off the animatronics. It showed a bear, chicken, wolf, and an alligator...what happened to the fox and bunny...? Plus they seemed way more colorful than the original four.

'Paying 20 dollars an hour for all employees. We are not responsible for any incidents that may happen at Freddy Fazbear's Mega Pizzaplex, have a great day.' It said, ending the ad. The screen went black and showed a phone number on the screen.

So you dialed it.

Word Count: 1258, I really hoped you guys enjoyed this, and please take into consideration that I write everything on my phone and not on a computer, so this does take me a while. So sorry for the switching between 2nd and 3rd person, I'm trying to figure out which one I like better so bear with me here 😭 Feel free to point out any grammar or spelling mistakes! Anyways, see you at the next part!   ;)

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