Turn of Events ~8

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Your POV

You woke up to the afternoon sunshine shining on your face. You opened your eyes slowly and felt a chest rising and falling under yours. You jumped slightly. Then you remembered last night, how Monty unexpectedly visited you. You looked at your hand which rested over his abdomen. Did they give him a chiseled abdomen!? How have I never noticed this before...You wondered, running your fingers over his stomach. You couldn't notice it from far away, but it was textured to touch.

You felt a pair of eyes watching you and you looked up at Monty. He was watching you. "Oh my God. How long have you been up." You asked, your face heating up from embarrassment. He softly chuckled to himself. "Enjoyin' yourself?" He asked, raising an eyebrow with a smile on his face. "You wish." You said, rolling your eyes.  "Whatever you say~" He said, looking at you through his star glasses.

You playfully scoffed and got up to go eat. You went into your kitchen and looked through your fridge. Orange juice and frozen waffles were gonna have to do. You went to your cupboard and looked for a cup. Of course, mom put it on the top shelf. You felt someone behind you and saw Monty grab a cup for you. "Thanks Monty!" You said, ignoring the thoughts rushing through your head. "No problem Y/n." He said smiling down at you.

You went over to put the waffles in the toaster and saw Monty lean against the wall and watch you. "So...what was that thing at Fazerblast about?" You said, looking over at him. "Oh uh. What do ya mean?" He asked, looking away and adjusting his glasses. "You know what I'm talking about." You said, a smile playing on your lips. "You pinned me against a wall and just about kissed me." You added, crossing your arms while still smiling. "I did that? Are ya' sure ya' didn't just dream about it?" He said, returning a smile.

That would be one hell of a dream. You thought laughing a bit to yourself. "Nope, I specifically remember you kissing my neck." You said, raising an eyebrow.
"Oh uh..." Monty said trailing off. "It's really fine, you weren't 100% yourself. It was an adult night and I'm sure your senses were heightened and not yourself." You said shrugging it off with a smile. Your waffles popped. "You want a waffle?"

Monty's POV

Of course, I remember kissing her neck. I would've done more if Freddy hadn't interrupted us; wouldn't that be something. Her soft skin under my lips. I would do it again if she was actually into me. I was snapped out of my thoughts when Y/n asked if I wanted a waffle. "Sure." I responded, like I wasn't just thinking about kissing them. She took the waffles out of the toaster and handed me one. "Thanks." I said, giving her a smile. A warning flashed on my screen.

⚠️Warning: 15% Battery Remaining⚠️

"Shit." I said out loud. "What's wrong?" Y/n asked looking at me. "I have 15% battery left. I wasn't all the way charged when I left to follow you." I explained. "It is 3:47...I can start my shift early just for you." She said, looking at me with her little smile. "Really? You'd do that for me?" I asked, in awe of her kindness. "Yes. You're my friend. What else would I do? Let you run out of battery?" She joked before leaving for her room.

Friend... The word echoed through my head. I never took a moment to ask myself what she meant to me, but it wasn't a friend. Fuck, not even a best friend. She meant to me more than the world, she was my world. She grew on me very quickly. And to hear those words come out her mouth...that shit hurt. It was stupid, it would never work. I can't even technically leave the Pizzaplex, I have to charge. I don't know why I thought it would ever work. 

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