Fight ~21

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Imagine the Tv being Vanessa's face. 💜💚💜💚

Your POV

You walked to the Manager's office, Vanessa's office. After you had woken up, you drove home to re-group and wash your uniform. You mentally prepared yourself to talk about the missing children case to the nastiest bitch you knew.

You stopped in front of the door and took a deep breath before entering the office. Her office aesthetic was very bland and concerningly neat, probably to create the stability she never had during her life. The room consisted of white walls, dull neon lights, with occasional Fazbear posters. Her desk held her Laptop, a small stack of papers, and a canister of black coffee to match her soul. "What do you need?" She asked passive aggressively.

"Well, I've been informed that there have been kids disappearing here at the Pizzaplex. I came here to talk to you-" "WHO TOLD YOU THIS?!?" She whisper-yelled with gritted teeth, interrupting you. "Why would you need to know? Shouldn't you be concerned about kids going missing?" You retorted with crossed arms.

"I'm your boss. You listen to me. And I'm telling you to keep your nasty nose out of it." She hissed, standing up from her desk to face you. "I will when you stop being a nasty fucking wench." You snapped back, getting angry. Why wasn't she worried about kids going missing? She was head of security and she was doing nothing about it.

"You know what, stop worrying about things that don't concern you and worry about your disgusting dating life that isn't even allowed here, you're lucky I'm keeping my mouth shut about that." Vanessa fumed, poking your chest roughly. A disgusted look overcame your face at her comment as she tried walking out of the office.

"No. You're not leaving yet." You said, grabbing her arm. "Let. go. of. me." Vanessa said, her jaw clenched. "Or what?" You said, ignoring her warning.

She turned and slapped you across the face.

"Bitch, did you just fucking slap me?!?" You yelled as you let go, her slap slightly stinging your face. "I'm getting you fired." She smiled, trying to walk away once more. You grabbed her ponytail and threw her head into the desk, a loud bang echoing through the room.

"There are children that are being taken from their families, they may never see them again! But of course, you wouldn't know what it's like to never be able to see your family again because no one loved you as a child, sound about right?!? And here you are sitting on that flat ass of yours and doing nothing! I'm not leaving until you do something about this." You ranted loudly, you were sure some people heard this outside the office. She held the side of her head and slowly got up, looking to the floor.

She lunged at you. You reacted quickly and kicked her in the chest. She fell backwards, letting out a small grunt. Vanessa flew onto her desk, scattering the papers as her laptop was being crushed underneath her. You laughed. "You are going to pay." She said reaching into her back pocket. "What type of corny ass..." You stopped when you saw she held a black box with two small, metal rods on the end in her hand.

She pressed the side and you heard a zapping sound as blue sparks emitted from the device. The bitch was really about to taze you. She stood up and walked towards you slowly. You quickly pressed the panic button on your Fazwatch as she flew forwards. You dodged her taser the first time but then you felt a sharp zap on your side, making you wince in pain.

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