🌶️ Not Just Friends ~9

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This does technically contain some spicy fluff towards the end, just a warning. 👀
Monty's POV

I walked to the rooms for the after-show pictures and autographs. Vanessa was the only one there monitoring the lines. "Where's Y/n Vanessa?" I asked looking around. "Wouldn't you like to know..." Roxy remarked, before I swatted her tail with mine. "I was hoping she would come out with you guys..." Vanessa said, trailing off.

My heart dropped. She's never late. Did she not want to see me? Did I make her uncomfortable? What if she doesn't want to be my friend anymore? Shit, this is all my fault. I have to find her. "I'll look for her." I said before running off, ignoring Roxy's laugh.

I checked online to see if she was in the building, she was in the staff backrooms? "Why would she be hiding there?" I said to myself, entering the hallways. I heard feet moving nearby, so I followed the sound. I saw Y/n on the floor, their arms and legs bound up with duct tape on their mouth. Then I saw Nathan and his goons dragging her along the floor. Worry instantly turned into rage.

I sent out a panic message with my location to the other animatronics. I lunged forward and separated them from her. "You little shits are relentless aren't ya?" I snarled, directing my attention to Nathan. "I want you to know that I never break my promises." I hissed. Panic took over his face. "You said the gator wouldn't get in the way of the plan! You said we could have as much fun as we wanted with her and then we would be out." A man said to Nathan.

"You were going to do what with her?" I said, more anger filling my voice. "He said we could do whatever we wanted with her, pretty girls like her belong to men." The man said eyeing Y/n. That was it. I swept my tail under them, making them fall without having to move away from Y/n. I grabbed the man who wanted to sexually assault Y/n by the collar and lifted him into the air. "Listen to me, and listen close cus I ain't repeating myself." I started. "You even look at her, and I will make sure you it's the last thing you'll see, got it?" I said through gritted teeth. He nodded his head quickly.

I dropped him and he ran away, I slowly turned my head to Nathan. "Don't think you've gotten off the hook." I said, walking towards him. He frantically pulled the same gun as last time out of his pocket. "S-Stop! You move an-and I-I-I'll SHOOT HER!" He said pointing the gun from me to Y/n.

I froze.

"Yeah, that's right." He said, laughing to himself.

"Get her out the building, this croc isn't going anywhere." He said, still pointing the gun at Yn's unconscious body. I growled in response. I was about 8 feet away from him, I could make it...

I lunged forward at Nathan. He pulled the trigger. I slammed his head against the floor before taking the gun out of his hands. I looked over to Y/n. Luckily he missed his target.

"What did I say last time?" I whispered in Nathan's ear. He started kicking and crying in fear. "PLEASE DON'T I'M SORRY!" He said, snot running down his nose. Freddy was the first to come in, Chica and Roxy following after. "Took ya' long enough." I said, directing my attention back to Nathan. Freddy escorted the other men out while Chica and Roxy helped Y/n. "Oh my, she's bleeding Monty!" Chica yelled behind me. "Shit." I said, knocking Nathan unconscious before running over to the girls.

He missed, but hit her left leg instead of her chest. "We need to get her to a First-Aid station." Roxy said, looking at me. I picked her up. "You girls take care of this shit, and I'll take Y/n." I said, picking her up. I ran through the halls and down the stairs til I reached the basement. I laid her down and got out the medical supplies.

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