Glitch ~14

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Your POV

You were in a dark, empty hallway. You started walking. You walked for hours, hearing voices call your name as you made it further down the corridor. Two glowing lights appeared in the distance, you ran towards it, hoping to reach the end.

As you got closer, you saw these orbs weren't lights, but a pair of large eyes. You stopped in your tracks, paralyzed with fear. The eyes belonged to a purple bunny. The rabbit started glitching vigorously. Then he lunged at you, claws outstretched. He started yelling your name over and over as his claws dug into your neck.

"Y/n?" A deep voice called out softly, waking you up. You turned your head towards the voice and saw Monty with a worried expression on his face. "You okay? Ya' seemed really on edge while ya were sleepin'." Monty asked sweetly, his velvety accent soothing you.

"Yeah don't worry, just a bad dream..." You assured him, trying not to replay the violent nightmare. Monty didn't look satisfied with this answer. "It wasn't just a 'bad dream' if ya were almost hyperventilatin'." Monty said, brows furrowed with concern. "I was hyperventilating?" You asked, the dream was terrifying, but you didn't think you looked terrified.

"'s okay if ya' don't wanna talk about it right now. I just need t' know you're okay." He gave you a small smile of reassurance. You hugged him. He was so caring, it made your heart melt. "I'll be okay, thank you for checking on me." You said before giving him a soft kiss on the snout.

He smiled before wrapping you in his arms once again. You would be fine, the dream had shaken you a little; but it was just a dream. It wasn't real. A few minutes later there was a knock on your bedroom door. You had forgotten Alex spent the night here...he spent the night here, in the room across from yours. Which means...

"Coming." You mumbled as you got up from Monty's warm embrace. You opened the door and saw Alex raising an eyebrow at you. "Where's Monty?" Alex asked in an authoritative voice. "Why are you asking? Wanna kiss him goodbye~?" You teased. He rolled his eyes at your comment.

"Well, he isn't on your couch, and isn't anywhere else in the apartment. And I'm sure he didn't leave in the middle of the night to go back to the Pizza Plex place either." He said, arms crossed. "Because he's in here?" You said, returning the raised eyebrow.

A smile formed across Alex's lips. "Oh? What was he doing in here?" He said, wiggling his eyebrows.
"Sleeping, you weirdo." You responded in a 'duh' tone. "That's not what it sounded like." Alex said, his smile only growing. You heard Monty chuckle from your bed.

"I think you just heard his snoring, for a reptile, he's pretty reliant on mouth breathing." You said before you heard Monty start snickering. "I don't buy that. I know your voice when I hear it, never heard you make those kinds of sounds before. And I hope I never hear it again." He said patting your shoulder with 'brotherly love', or so he called it.

"But it's fine really. I made pancakes and need to get back to actual work now." He said, ruffling your hair. He started to leave. 
"I won't tell our parents." He yelled back before the door shut behind him.

You shut your door and turned to Monty, who currently had his face buried in a pillow, crying laughing. "What could possibly be so funny about this?" You looked as the reptile fell out you bed, wheezing. "YO-YOU *wheeze* GAA-GAH" Monty wheezed. Great, now he's become aphasic.

"Yes, my brother who now knows that I'm getting fucked by an oversized lizard robot." You said, crossing your arms. His wheezing sounded like a Windex bottle now. "You need to calm down, I'm not fixing your voice box when you've destroyed it from this." You said, as he continued to roll on the floor.

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