Crazy About You ~27

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Your POV

You were sitting with Brianna before you heard a faint sound of metal groaning and a loud bang. "They're here." You whispered to Brianna, feeling relief wash over you. You were glad Monty found you without having to track your location from your Fazwatch. He sounded close.

Your door was swung open. "Let's go." Vanessa said, grabbing your arm. You were dragged out of the room along with Brianna. Wait, was Vanessa saving you? That didn't make sense...she hated you right?

"What's happening?" You ask. "Stop asking questions." She said, holding up her taser to your face. You stayed quiet so you wouldn't be tased again. You heard doors being thrown open behind you, Monty was looking for you.

Vanessa put you in a separate room that smelled even worse than the others. She took Brianna and shut you in the room. "BRIANNA!" You yelled after the little girl. "Dammit." You cursed to yourself. Now you need to find a way out of this room.

Monty's POV

I frantically threw random doors open, hoping to see Y/n behind one of them. "Maybe we this more, I don't know, quietly?" Chris suggested in a hushed tone. "Why? Somethin' down here that I should know 'bout?" I asked, slowly looking at him. He stared at me blankly. "Is there somethin' you're not tellin' me?" I growled, walking toward him.

"Well-No! Ye-no! Nothing." Chris stuttered, shaking his head. I raised an eyebrow at his response. I don't believe him. "Is that how ya' knew Y/n was down here?" I said, my jaw tightening. "No! It was just a hunch-" I cut him off. "You're the reason she's down here." I seethed, walking toward him. "Now listen, I can explain!" He spoke frantically. I gripped his neck and lifted him in the air.

Anger was the only thing I felt at this moment. He was the reason Y/n was down here. It's his fault she's in danger. He clawed at my grasp, tears filling his eyes. I tightened my grip around his throat before I heard Y/n's voice. She yelled something I couldn't make out from this distance. I instantly dropped him and rushed over to where her voice came from.

I quickly moved through the corridors, frantically looking for Y/n before a flash of purple tackled me. I looked up, dreading what I might see.

It was Bonnie.

He was in awful condition. Missing limbs, broken shell, his face... "What happened t' ya..." I spoke softly. I never thought I'd see him again. And here he was, trying to kill me...again. Just turn him off...I told myself, slowly standing up. His glowing orbs, which used to be his eyes, stared through my red ones, watching my every movement. (I feel like a basic Wattpad writer using orbs, but there are no other words I can use since his eyes are missing...😔)

I lunged at him and pinned him to the floor, feeling under his jaw for the power button. He pushed me off and went for my chest plate like last time. I right hooked him in the jaw before pressing him against the floor.

I found the button and pressed it.

He stopped moving and fell limp. I stood up and heard Chris walk up behind me. "Chris-" I felt a sharp zap in the abdomen before my vision turned red and glitchy. I grabbed my head before my vision went black.


"Wakey wakey~" A glitchy voice cooed over me.

I opened my eyes and there was a red, fuzzy haze around me. "Who's there." I spoke, slowly standing up. "You don't remember?" The voice responded. I paused and looked around to see who I was talking to. "I heard you were looking for your girlfriend." The voice rasped. "Yeah, and?" I retorted angrily. "You're moving on quickly, didn't you have an older, prettier girlfriend you should be concerned about?" It spoke out from the dark abyss.

I froze. How did it know about Jade?

"What are ya tryin' t' get at.." I ask with furrowed brows, trying to see who I was talking to. "You don't need her when you have me." The voice answered, stepping out of the shadows, revealing a rabbit lady. She reached for her mask and pulled it off. Brunette hair fell out from the mask. My mouth hung open in disbelief.

It was Jade.

"H-how. Are you alive?" I said, my eyes not able to understand what they were seeing. "Not happy to see me?" Jade pouted mockingly. "No, I am but- you died." I blinked, avoiding eye contact. "Yes, but I'm here now. We can be together again." She smiled, taking my hands in hers.

"I would love that...but I've moved on. I have Y/n..." I winced, hoping this wouldn't piss her off. Her face tensed in confusion. "This building is going to be up in flames. I'm choosing to save you. We've been given another chance, and you want to throw it away?" She spoke shakily.

"Look, I'm sorry that this isn't the best timin' but I've seriously moved on. It's been three years. I can't keep livin' in the past." I frowned, letting her hands go. "So you're choosing her? After all we went through? After I've chosen you over everything? With Bonnie, now with this?" She said angrily. "I'm sorry. You died 'n I moved on, I suggest ya do the same. For your sake." I said finally, brushing her hair out of her face.

She looked livid. "It's okay. It isn't your fault. It's Y/n's. She's the reason we can't be together." She said, shaking her head. "No, that's not what I'm sayin-" I started before she stopped me. "It's okay, you'll see. You'll remember how happy you are with me once she's gone." She smiled. She kissed me on the cheek before walking past me. "WAIT DON'T!" I yelled after her. The door slammed shut.

She was going to kill Y/n. I have to stop her.

Your POV

The door opened and Vanny walked in. "Hello again Y/n." She spoke, toying with her large knife. "Hi?" You responded hesitantly. "I just talked with Montgomery." She taunted, looking up at you. Your eyes widened. "What did you do to him?" You asked, fearing the worst. "Why would I hurt my boyfriend?" She laughed.

Boyfriend?!? Who does she think she is? She continued laughing you slowly realized who 'Vanny' was.

"Jade." You dead-panned.

"That's me~" She cooed, holding the blade up to your neck. "I'm not getting another opportunity to be with him just to waste it all, no hard feelings."

Word Count 1172 I did it guys. I updated. There's gonna be a few more juicy chapters before this book is over so get excited 😆. I pinky promise I'll try to update these as quickly as I can, but until then, point out any errors I made and don't forget to vote -Eclipse

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