A Guest ~12

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Monty's POV

There was a knock on the door. Of course we get interrupted, we never get real alone time...I thought to myself, letting Y/n go and check the door. "Shit.Shit.Shit!" She cursed under her breath. "Go hide in my bedroom, hurry." She hastily whispered to me. I did as I was told and ran into her bedroom, silently shutting the door behind me. Hide now. Ask questions later.

I heard the front door open as I hid in her closet, just in case they came into her room, which I doubt. Better to be safe than sorry. I heard Y/n welcome the visitor in with a cheery tone. "Hey, Y/n! How have you been?" I heard a male voice greet. My fists instinctively balled into fists. Who is this guy? How does he know Y/n? Why is he here? I quieted the questions racing through my head to listen to the conversation more. "I'm doing well, what made you...drop by all of a sudden?" Y/n asked. "You didn't get my message?" The male responded. HE HAS HER NUMBER?!? I quietly got out of the closet and leaned my head against the door so I could hear better.

"No, I don't think I did..." Y/n trailed off. "I texted you earlier this morning that I got off work early and wanted to drop by to hang out with you." The male explained. Hang out? "Yes, I would love to hang out, but uh, now is really not the best time-" I swung the door open, interrupting her sentence. "Who the fuck are you?!?" I asked, feeling my anger rising. The male let out a yelp of surprise before they grabbed Y/n's wrist and pulled her behind him. "Stay behind me..." He told Y/n, not looking away from me.

"No, it's fine he-"

"Don't fuckin' touch her!" I yelled, pulling him off of her. "Monty please-" Y/n started. "You know this robot furry?" The male exclaimed, pointing at me. "Robot Furry?!? That's a lotta talk comin' from someone who looks-"

"GUYS SHUT THE HELL UP AND LISTEN TO ME." Y/n yelled over both of us. We looked at her. She started rubbing the bridge of her nose and sighed. "Monty, this is my brother, Alex." Y/n said, gesturing to her brother.

"Alex, this is my...friend, Montgomery." Y/n said, now motioning to me. Alex and I stared at each other. "Are we good now?" Y/n said, looking at both of us. "I think we got off on the wrong foot...I'm Montgomery, and I forgive ya." I said, extending my hand toward him.

"Yeah, sorry I thought you were trying to kill my sister...Forgive me for what?" Alex said, shaking my hand. "For callin' me a furry. I'm literally a robotic reptile." I said, pulling my glasses down at him. Alex laughed in embarrassment. "My fault...uh, wanna explain why you're in my sister's apartment?" Alex asked, wearing an awkward smile on his face.

"He needed to be repaired for my job and I brought him here." Y/n said. "And they don't have the tools for that there?" Alex questioned, furrowing his eyebrows and crossing his arms. "Uhhh, no?" Y/n answered. Alex's gaze shifted from me to Y/n before a smirk grew on his face. "No other reasons?" He asked, eyebrow still raised. 

Your POV

"No other reasons?" My brother questioned with a raised eyebrow. "Official reasons only, you weirdo." You rolled your eyes, trying to make him believe the several lies you just told him. What would he think of me if I was dating a robot? Would he tell our parents...he wouldn't...right?

"Whatever you say. I was gonna take you to the movies and catch up...but uh..." Alex added, his gaze drifting toward Monty. "Why not just watch the movie here then?" You asked. Alex thought for a moment, his eyes not leaving Monty. "It's okay if he's here, Monty's always good company. You'll grow to like him I'm sure." You reassured him as his face softened. "I'm down then."


You sat on your couch next to Monty and put on a movie; making sure you didn't sit too close. You picked f/m (your favorite/movie) while Alex made the popcorn and other snacks. "Really? This movie?" Alex sighed, coming over and sitting down on the other side of you with the snacks.

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