Missing ~24

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Monty's POV

We finished performing and before we descended on the lift, I noticed Y/n wasn't in her seat anymore. I was obviously confused, but she probably left a little early to do something. I wasn't too worried, probably waiting in my room...she's probably waiting in my room~ I thought smugly, my tail slightly swaying faster.

She looked real good in that dress of hers, and I wouldn't mind finishing what we started before I left to perform.

I quickly took the elevator to my room so I could get back to Y/n as quickly as possible. I came through the back silently to surprise her. "Y/nnnnnn~" I called out, walking into the main area of my room. I turned on the LED lights and she wasn't here. My brows furrowed together in confusion, where was she? She was on her break, and she usually stays with me then...Maybe I should look for her.

Your POV

The room was so cold, and you heard the band's music end a while ago. Were you going to be stuck in here forever? No, Monty would look for you...if he knew where you were. You hoped someone had started to look for you.

"Who are you?" a small voice sniffled. You jumped at the sudden voice. "Hello?" You ask stupidly, of course, someone was in here, they just spoke to you. "What are you doing here?" The tiny voice repeated. "I was thrown in here, I don't know why." You responded out into the dark.

"I'm Brianna." Whoever was speaking to you sounded like a little girl. "Well, I'm officer Y/n and we're gonna get out soon, I'm sure. What are you doing in here?" You asked curiously. "I was at a birthday party when I was taken after I was separated from my brother and my parents." The girl said shyly. The story sounded familiar.

"What did your brother look like?" You questioned, trying to gather more information. "His name is Gregory, he has brown hair and brown eyes." Brianna explained to you. "I know Gregory! He broke in trying to look for you.! I promised to help find you actually." You said happily. "Really?!? I haven't seen him in so long!" She responded with giggles.

"Yeah, uh, where are you?" You asked. You felt a small tap on your leg. "I followed your voice over here already." Brianna spoke. "Great...how do we get out?" You asked, hoping the little girl would know. "You can't leave...they're out there" Brianna whispered. "How do you know this?" You whispered back.

"Well...other kids have tried before me, and now I'm the only one left." She explained in a hushed tone.

You were shocked by the response. Did they make it out? Or were they captured and had horrible things done to them? "That's...awful." You said, stunned by this. "What's worse is what he does to the kids that try to escape..." Brianna added. There was a silent pause. You didn't know how to respond to that.

You felt something on your wrist vibrate before a soft blue light emitted from your Fazwatch. You mentally slapped yourself for not thinking about the watch that could literally communicate with the animatronics and everyone who worked at the Pizzaplex. You looked at the notification and saw you had gotten multiple messages.


Y/n where are you                 (10:50)
I can't find you (10:53)
I'm getting worried why aren't you answering me (11:01)
Answer me. (11:02)
Please (11:03)
I've been looking everywhere for you 😐 (11:05)
I'm gonna lose my damn mind if you don't answer me back Y/n (11:07)
When I find you, I'm gonna fucking blow your back out. ...That's supposed to be a threat. (11:10)

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