Alex Gaskarth - Remembering Sunday

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You and Alex had been dating for close to four years. You had been friends since middle school and you, finally, started dating when you were 24.

You were touring with All Time Low and they were performing their last concert of the tour. Their set was almost over and they were about to perform their last song.

"Could I please call to the stage my amazing girlfriend Y/N?" he said enthusiastically, smiling at you on the side of the stage. You smiled back as you grabbed your acoustic guitar and a mic and made your way out onto the stage.

The crowd was chanting your name as your walked onto the stage and straight to Alex's side. You had been performing the last song with the guys at every show and every night was different.

"If you know this song, join in guys!" Alex yelled enthusiastically into the microphone and pointed out to the crowd.

"This song's called Remembering Sunday," he said before hanging up the mic and sitting on a stool next to you.

You sat and played the chords on the guitar as you listened to Alex sing one of your favourite songs.

You sang the last chorus together, "she's been running through my dreams, and its driving me crazy it seems. I'm gonna..." you trailed off as you watched Alex hop off the stool and get down on one knee, pulling a box out of his pocket as he did so. "Ask her to marry me," he sang with a pleading look on his face. The crowd 'awwwed', still some singing along, as Alex stood up and smiled at you.

You were speechless. You stood in shock for a while before violently nodding your head.

Alex let out an excited laugh and picked you up, spinning you around, before putting you back down and giving you a long kiss.

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