Kellin Quinn - Comfort

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You and Kellin had been best friends your entire lives. He was always there for you and you for him.

You had just found out that your grandmother had passed away and you were absolutely distraught. Your grandmother played a huge role in your life. She was always by your side and she helped you through everything. She was your rock.

When you heard the terrible news, you called Kellin right away. He answered the phone as he normally would, bu this attitude changed as you told him what happened.

He was at your place within a half hour, carrying tissues, comfort food and all three seasons of Sherlock, (if you don't like Sherlock, you can change it to a different movie or TV show).

As you were getting into your pj's, Kellin began to build a blanket fort. You came back to the lounge and crawled into the fort, getting comfortable as Kellin put in your favourite movie, Y/F/M.

You and Kellin laughed and talked and soon enough, you had forgotten all of the day's previous events.

Halfway through the movie, you fell asleep curled up by Kellin's side.

"Goodnight Y/N, I love you," were the sweet words spoken from your best friends lips.

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