Gerard Way - The end of an idea

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Today was the day. You sat next to you best friend, Gerard, with little Bandit on your lap. Gerard was typing, deleting, then retyping his announcement about the breakup on his blog.
The whole band was there, all with grim faces. They kept reassuring you that they were fine, but you could see right past the facades.

"Guys how does this sound?" Gerard was the first to say anything in a half hour.
"Gee, you've refused it a million times! I don't think there's going to be anything wrong with it," you say with a slight laugh, trying to lighten the mood a bit.
"I don't know guys, what if some of the fans get angry?" Frank sled, twiddling his thumbs with the most nervous of looks on his face.
Ray was next to pipe in, "Frank, the real fans will be supportive of our decision. After all, if the magic isn't in it for us, the magic won't be in it for them."
He had a point, and everyone knew it.
"Okay, I'm posting it," Gee said grimly.
You looked around to see all the sad faces. Mikey looked a tad angry but at the same time, distraught. Ray had tears in his eyes and Frank was full on crying. You stood up and gave Bandit to Gerard, walking over to Frank and pulling him into a hug. By now, he was messily sobbing into your shoulder.
They all lifted their heads and nodded at Gerard when they suddenly heard a very small whisper.
"Daddy what's wrong?" That's when they noticed Gerard crying. And with the click of a button, it was done.

March 22nd 2013, the end of a band, the end of an idea, the end of My Chemical Romance.

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