Ben Bruce - You needed someone and I was there

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You looked at the screen in shock. Tears welled up in your eyes. You couldn't believe it. You didn't want to believe it. You scrolled through the text messages, thousands of them.

"She will never find out. Babe come on, she trusts me."

There were more like it. He was cheating on you and had been for ages by the looks of it. You couldn't stand being in the house anymore. You grabbed a bad and started packing your stuff, punching walls and tearing the place apart, with tears streaming down your face. You made it to the wardrobe and broke down. You fell to the ground and cried. You didn't want to be alone so you picked up your phone to call someone. But you had no idea who. You continued to cry, you were completely alone. You thought back to who was always there for you. Ben. Ben Bruce had been your best friend since you were 5 years old.

You dialed his number and he picked up on the second ring. You started to cry again. "Y/N? Y/N calm down and tell me what's wrong."

"Come over please. I need someone," you managed to choke out through sobs.

"Yeah of course, I'll be right over. Sit tight love," he said and hung up. You laughed at how British he was just being. Within a matter of minutes, the front door opened. You bounded downstairs expecting to see Ben, but standing there was your asshole of a boyfriend. Well, ex.

"Hey babe, I just came home to grab my phone. Have you seen it?" He smiled sweetly at you. It made you sick. You pulled his phone out of your pocket and began to read through the messages. With each message came more tears and with each message, the whiter his face got. He stares at you in shock.

"YOU LYING, CHEATING SCUMBAG!" you screamed, pegging his phone at thee wall with all your might and feeling a sense of triumph when the screen smashed into a million pieces. You picked up your bag and ran out of the house. You didn't care if Ben wasn't there yet, you just couldn't stand being with, ugh. You couldn't even think about that asswipe. Soon after you left the house, your ex came running out. "Baby please, she means nothing to me."

He looked at you with pleading eyes but you just returned his look with your own look of disgust. A car screeched to a halt outside of your house. Ben jumped out of the car and ran to you straight away, engulfing you in a massive hug.

"You little whore! I knew I wasn't the only one cheating!" your ex screamed. "He cheated on you?" Ben said, holding you closer to him and planting little kisses on your forehead. He was such an amazing best friend. You nodded your head slowly and clutched on to his shirt, letting more tears fall.

You suddenly felt Ben pull away from you and within a matter of seconds, there was a loud crunching noise. You turned to see that Ben had punched your asshole ex in the nose and it was bleeding, badly.

"Y/N, go hop in the car. You're coming to live with me," you did as Ben had told you and he joined you a moment later. You both drove off to the house you would be sharing for a while, leaving your piece of shit ex sitting in the driveway with a broken nose.

That was 3 years ago and you and Ben are now living it up in the little flat you share, you with an engagement ring and him with half of the wedding plans. You couldn't trust him with the whole lot, after all.


Sorry I haven't updated in FOREVER but I have been working my butt of to be able to get to Italy and then the past three weeks I was on the trip. I hope this makes up for lost time (lol probs not). TODAY THERE WAS A REALLY HOT GUY IN JB-HIFI AND I FUCKEN DIED OK BYE.

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