-41- Telekinesis

482 11 2

Member: Luhan
Admin: Phoeb
Turning into a dark alley way, you panted, exhausted from running away, away from Luhan, the man you love with all of your heart but feared now. Hiding behind an opaque rubbish bin, you thought of how you got into such trouble...

Luhan, your boyfriend for 2 years and you had already planned for a date a long while ago, and today is the day. You were sitting on the bench waiting for Luhan at the park that time, scanning around the area time to time to search for the man's presence. You've been waiting for hours but no sight of him could be seen. Looking down, you felt disappointed for the umpteenth time. Yes, it's not the first nor the second time or even the third time. Recently, when you ask for a talk with him, he'll always decline and reasoned that he was busy. Deciding to go back home after a long wait, you stood up and started to walk, only to find someone behind the bench you sat just seconds ago. As dramatic as it seems, Luhan is with another girl, a girl that you've never seen before.

Knowing that he's cheating on you as soon as you saw them kissing, you turned away, hoping that he wouldn't notice your presence. You did not want to watch the scene that will hurt your precious eyes. You felt betrayed and backstabbed so badly by the guy that you've labeled him your "boyfriend" for over two years. No words could describe your anger. You knew that something bad was coming the moment you realised Luhan's sudden change of behaviour towards you, but you didn't expect him to be as shameless as he seemed. Feeling anger more than disappointment, you wanted to just yell in his face but held back. You bit your lips hard as you stomped your way back home, having the scene of him laying his god damn perfect lips on another woman who you swore you've never seen before.

Arriving home, you wasted no time in packing your stuff into the luggage, yelling a curse word at every item that you've managed to stuff in your luggage. You made your way to the front door, reaching out your hand for the door knob, ready to just leave everything and run away. Just as you were about to turn the door knob, the door clicked open, revealing Luhan, your soon-to-be ex-boyfriend (or maybe he already was). "Where are you going?" Luhan asked as he looked at you with that fake innocent pair of eyes, glancing at your luggage. "Away from you, duh." You replied without second thought, rolling your eyes at him.

Reaching your hand out for the door knob again, he grabbed onto your wrist. "Who said you could leave?" he said, voice turning extremely cold, colder than usual. You felt even more annoyed without noticing his change of attitude. Looking up at him impatiently, your eyes immediately widened by the scene in front of you. Luhan's eyes... had turned blood red in that split second and his cold stare that shot through your soul had started to creep you out.

Trying to stay cool even though you kinda freaked out, you replied, "I said so," as you reached your hand out again for the door knob. Before you could even touch the knob, you felt yourself floating in the air but nothing was having physical interaction with you at all. Tilting your head down to look at your feet, you realised they were not on the ground anymore. "YOU. CAN'T. LEAVE. WITHOUT. MY. PERMISSION." The second the sentence came out, you felt yourself being dragged harshly, your head banging on the wall with each word Luhan said. Feeling slightly dizzy, you didn't realised Luhan raised his hand, a chair was seen flying in your way from the kitchen, hitting the wall dangerously close beside you, causing it to crashed into pieces. The 'flying' broken pieces slice over your hand, legs and face. Blood began to ooze out of the cuts. "L-Let me go," your heartbeat was beating fast, you couldn't comprehend what was happening. You only knew you were shaking with complete fear. The strong Y/N that was seen seconds ago had turned into a puppy in feared.

Finally putting you down for some reason, you took the opportunity to run out of the door, not caring if you are wearing your shoes or if your luggage is still inside. And that's how you ended up hiding away from him in an alley way with a super stinky smell from the rubbish bins around you. Being out too long with the fresh cuts, it soon started to swell. Sudden footsteps were heard coming near, snapping you out of your train of thoughts. A pair of shoes were visible in front of your eyes as you look at the floor. "Found cha..." the voice said softly. You could sense his evil smirk.

Widening your eyes in extreme terror, you slowly tilted your head up, finding Luhan standing right before your own eyes. Metallic rubbish flew out of the bins around you as Luhan swayed his hands, and you could still see Luhan's bloodshot eyes even in the dark alley. "You. Are. Gonna. Die." || END ||

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