You Become More Talkative When You Drink - Castiel

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To say you had a long day would be an understatement. For the majority of the day, it seemed like you & Cas had just been running in circles. Until you finally caught a break & found the nest of the creature you were hunting. But of course, it didn't go down without a fight. A pretty rough one needless to say. Luckily your boyfriend healed whatever injuries you accumulated, but you were still left feeling pretty sore. So you figured a nice drink at one of the local bars would help to soothe your sore & aching body. So with your boyfriend in tow, the two of you decided to take a seat at one of the empty booths since you wanted to be away from the loud bar area. You had settled on a nice sweet, but simple cocktail & when you told the waiter your order you couldn't help, but laugh at the way your boyfriend looked at you. Since he had never seen you drink, at least around him. So needless to say he was a bit shocked but didn't try to stop you as he ordered himself a nice refreshing beer. Once you got your drink you slowly started to enjoy it since you preferred to sip & actually enjoy your drink instead of finishing it off in one go. But you also had no intentions of getting drunk so this was going to be your one & only drink for the night. After you had taken a few sips you finally started to feel your body relax. But along with that relaxation came the effect that you started to get more talkative. Normally you were just naturally quieter, but now you were the one starting the conversation. Talking about literally anything that came to your mind & to be honest Cas was enjoying every minute of it. Since him getting to see this side of you was rare, to say the least. So he just sat there listening & engaging in conversation back with you all the while he had a goofy smile plastered on his face.

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