His GF Gets Zapped To Apocalypse World - Dean

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Of course, you just had to get into the middle of a little scuffle between Castiel & Lucifer. Normally you'd just let them deal with it amongst themselves, but you were in a particularly bad mood so you weren't having it. Which was probably a stupid decision on your part because just as quickly as you were involved Lucifer had decided to snap you somewhere. You quickly got your bearings & realized where he had sent you. Of all places, he had chosen to send you to apocalypse world. Now you were more pissed than you were before & made it your own personal mission to knock Lucifer right on his ass the minute you got back to your world since he was the one that did this to you. But what you didn't know was that Dean had been watching everything that unfolded & as soon as he saw Lucifer zap you away he took a swing at him while demanding he tells him where he sent his girlfriend aka you. When Lucifer's response was apocalypse world because you needed some time to cool off that just angered Dean more. Mainly because Lucifer was the only one who could pull you back from that place & how you were now stuck there alone until who knows when. But luckily for you, you were quick to go looking for any type of shelter or something you could use or make into a weapon. Thanks to the good set of skills you had you were able to gather enough material to make a bow & a decent amount of arrows. So now all you had to do was defend yourself while trying to find anything that'd pass as suitable shelter. You also made sure that whenever you killed a monster you'd check their corpse to see if it had any useable loot on them. Then you properly disposed of the bodies that way nothing would be able to track you. You had come across an old cabin that looked like it'd been abandoned for a while, but luckily the structure was stable enough so you could use it for shelter. There wasn't much left in the cabin except an old bottle of alcohol & some rags. Luckily there were some empty bottles so you were able to make 3 molotov's. This is one of the few times where you were glad that you always carried a knife & lighter with you. Since now you had more weapons to defend yourself from whatever you ran into. As the sun started to set you decided to get some sleep & then start moving when the sun started to rise in hopes of finding any signs of civilization or that maybe you'd run into your boyfriend. You had been trekking for a couple of hours when you started to hear noises a short distance in front of you. So you decided to ready one of the molotov's you had & aim in it the direction of where the noises were coming from hoping to flush whatever it was out so you could take it down with your bow. What you didn't expect was for your boyfriend, Cas & Lucifer himself to come stumbling into your path. Upon seeing Lucifer you let the arrow that you had knocked in your bow loose & had sent it in his direction. Only for him to stop it in mid-air causing it to drop to the ground. So instead you stomped your way up to him & decked him right on the jaw. "That was for sending me to this world in the first place." You said while turning to walk away until you were stopped by Dean saying how he was gunna get you out of here. To be honest he was just glad that you weren't hurt because if you were he would've made damn sure that Lucifer had paid the price for it.

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