Watch A Movie Prompt - Jack

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You had chosen to stay back at the bunker while Dean & Sam went out on a case that had come up recently. You'd chosen to stay back mainly because you were still healing from the last hunt you'd gone on. One where the monster had pretty much treated you like a rag doll. Luckily Cas had healed your injuries, but your muscles were still recovering. Dean was actually glad you stayed back since he'd put you in charge of watching over Jack since Dean said this hunt was something he & Sam could handle by themselves. To be honest you'd always had a soft spot for Jack & were almost always attached by the hip with him. Making your way to the library you saw Jack who was catching up on reading some lore books. Making your way closer to him you asked “Do you want to watch a movie with me? Maybe order some food too while we're at it." Looking up from his book he replied "As a matter of fact, yes, movie & food sound quite, delightful." He responded with a smile on his face. "Is there anything in particular that you wanna eat?" You asked him. "Actually yes there is. Pizza, pizza sounds good." He responded. "Okay I'll order us some pizza & in the meantime you can go to the Dean Cave & pick out what movie you wanna watch." With that, you watched as he stood & made his way out of the bunker while you pulled out your phone & looked for the nearest pizza place. Once the pizza was delivered you made your way to join Jack in the Dean Cave. You noticed how he was stuck between choosing a movie. As he had three different ones laid out as if debating which one he wanted to watch. You saw this & sweetly told him how you didn't mind watching all three of them with him. To which you watched his features light up as if a kid on Christmas morning which you couldn't help but gush at. Small reasons like this were why you had such a soft spot for him. But admitting your feelings for him was something you could never bring yourself to do since you were deadly afraid of ruining the relationship you already had with him. But halfway through the second movie, you were quite surprised when he pulled a Dean move & stretched his arm & gently placed it around you. You could help but giggle at how worried his face looked hoping that you were okay with this. But then it was his turn to get surprised when you decided to lace your fingers with the hand that was draped over you or how after a while you started to lean into him. To which you could've sworn you saw him stop breathing for a minute once he realized how close you'd gotten to him. But it didn't take him that long to get comfortable with the new feeling of you being this close to him or how peaceful you looked while cuddled up next to him.

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