Stay Still Prompt - Sam

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“Stay still I need to stitch that wound.” Came your concerned boyfriend's voice. "Well maybe if the alcohol didn't burn so much I would." You hissed back at him. You couldn't help but squirm out of pain while he was cleaning the nice little gashes in your left arm from the werewolf the two of you had taken down not that long ago. The only reason why you were squirming was that the pain meds he'd given you hadn't fully kicked in yet, so that meant you still felt everything he was doing. You swore if the meds didn't kick in soon you were gunna punch or break something. Luckily Sam took some pity on you & wrapped your arm in gauze while he patiently waited for you not to feel anything so he could stitch you up without any further issues. By the time he finished getting everything, he needed set up & ready you felt the meds starting to kick in & alerted him so that he could take care of you. Now all you had to do was find something else to focus on to keep your mind distracted while he stitched your wounds closed. So you closed your eyes & just let your mind drift & wander. "Alright, you should be all good now." Came his voice. You looked down to see that your gashes had been covered by a new layer of gauze. "Thank you, now hopefully Cas gets here soon so he can fully heal this thing." You said while turning on your side. You could still feel the effects of the meds so you just let your eyes close again & get some rest. You heard Sam whisper a quiet goodnight followed by a kiss on the forehead before sleep fully consumed you.

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