He Sees You Again After 5 Years - Dean

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5 years that's how long it had been since you last seen the trio of men standing in front of you. Except there was now a fourth person in the group, one who you didn't recognize. You had been out on a solo hunt for a group of vamps when you ran into the group of men. Who at first thought you were a ghost. Dean had started asking questions, which he had every right to seeing as how 5 years ago you just packed up all your things & left without a word in the middle of the night. But you told him how now wasn't exactly the best time to talk about all of this with those vamps still running about. So for now you put that stuff on the back burner to focus on killing the vamps. You were surprised however when it came to you all going your separate ways after you finished the job Dean was quick to say how he was going with you & that Sammy & the rest of the boys could take Baby back to their motel room since he needed to have a conversation with you. The whole ride back to your motel was quiet as you were running over a million thoughts in your head trying to figure out the best way to explain what happened all those years ago that made you pack up & leave in the first place. Along with how now after so many years you were now getting back into the life again. While you were mulling over your thoughts the man next to you just couldn't help but stare at you every few seconds afraid that this was either a dream he was having or if he stopped looking that you'd just disappear again. When you two made it inside your room Dean was the first to start the conversation. Asking about your sudden departure. You took a deep breath & explained to him how mentally you just couldn't handle the hunting life anymore. Not to mention how whenever you & him went out on a hunt together you'd barely be able to even focus on anything besides him. Seeing as you'd developed feelings for him & were scared that with you not being able to focus when it was needed that you'd be the reason for something bad happening to either you or him, which was something you just couldn't stand the thought of happening. So you figured that it'd just be better & safer for everyone if you just quietly left. So you could just focus on yourself for a while. You explained to him how you did a lot of soul searching so to speak & how you didn't necessarily choose to get back into hunting. No, a case just so happened to fall into your lap & you knew you couldn't just ignore it & after that first case back you got the bug for hunting again, though the last thing you expected was to run into him again. Because a part of you was scared that he'd hate you or want nothing to do with you ever again. Dean was quick to explain how he didn't hate you, hell if anything he understood everything that came out of your mouth. especially as he shyly admitted that he had caught feelings for you too & was scared to death over it & having the risk of anything happening to you while you two were out on a case or hunt together. Which was why he decided to not say anything, but he told you how it did hurt coming to your room the next day & finding it empty along with you being gone, but he knew you'd be safer off which is why he didn't go running after you. But now that you were standing in front of him & that he had you back in his life he was going to do everything in his power to keep you in his life. So he made an offer to you that you couldn't resist. You coming back to Kansas with them, moving into the base with them, going back out on jobs together, but this time you'd do it as a powerhouse couple. So long as you'd still have him as he admitted that after all these years not once did he stop thinking about you or loving you. You of course agreed because truth be told you never stopped loving or thinking about him either.

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