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"I'll do it."

"Thank you my dear! I can't be happy enough!" she said with excitement and ran down the throne stairs to hug you with so much love. You of course hugged back.

* time skip *

It was the day I go to earth to help the other guardians, I was a bit scared and nervous too.

You'd head to a secret part in the castle.
The Space-Time Door

Your mother would stand Infront of you, you could tell she was trying to hold back tears, than she ran to hug you again.

"Please my dear child, don't get hurt and come back safely! Promise to write us letters about how your doing. " your mom said while hugging you a bit tighter. She let go and gave you something in your hands. "What's this..?" You ask. "It's a broach, it'll allow to turn into Sailor Twinkle again." She said.

You looked at the broach and admired it. It was star shaped with tiny wings and a rainbow stripe in the middle.
"You'll use this broach to turn into Sailor Twinkle, shout the words.. "" Star Nova Power , Make Up!"" To transform, never loose this broach, okay?"

"Yes mother, I will never loose it, I promise you!" You said with truth in your voice and you held on to it.

"Time to go, be safe my precious baby."

The doors opened and you saw the look of the inside, kinda looking like your inside a cloud.

"Goodbye mom! I'll be safe I promise you!"

You'd run into the door waving behind you as your mother waved back, you kinda saw her crying a bit but she still had a smile on her face with her (H/C) flowing.

** a bit short sorry, I'll do chpt.3 soon! if you like it so far ofc!**


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