CHPT. 17

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Usagi POV


I hummed while i skipped towards (y/n)'s place, they offered everyone to come over for tea and to chat. The best part is mako is making delicious sweets i can't wait to stuff in my mouth.. I ring the doorbell and i hear footsteps coming towards the door and it opened, "Hey Usa! As always your late." they chuckle. "Not my fault someone wanted to be groomed.." I return. Luna pops her head out my bag and gives me a glare but i ignore it. (y/n) lets me inside and i take off my shoes and they show me to the living room, "Ah! Usagi your finally here." Ami waves and smiles. Everyone else greets me as i sit down. We all talk about simple things including some drama and school, honestly i was falling asleep at that part. I realize that Luna has went over to (y/n) and is very weirdly comfortable with them, not something you see everyday. "Alright! The next batch of cookies are d-" Mako was interrupted by me trying to grab one already, "H..Hey! Chill out.." I grab one and munch on it like ive never had a cookie in my life before, i melted. "Mako..these ...these..." Mako gives me a concerned look, "Are they bad? Oh geez.." I give her sparkling eyes "THE BEST COOKIES IVE EVER HAD!" I shout at her and reach for another, "Let us dig in too, pig!" Rei jokes. I ignore her comment as i see everybody else taking a bite and also loving them, "MMmh..these are so good! I've never had anything like this.." Minako says, taking another bite. Mako's a bit flustered but thanks everyone for liking her cookies. We all chill and hang out for most of the day.


     The ground would start to shake as everything in (y/n)'s house would too. "Whats going on ?!" (y/n) shouts. "An earthquake?! We didn't even get a warning or anything ?" Ami asks while trying to cover her head. I see Luna sweating a bit thats when i knew something was off. Suddenly, I saw in my bag that my broach was glowing bright like it was trying to alert me. "Guys?" I ask while the room was still shaking. "No time Usagi! Get under something and cove-" Luna suddenly jumps on the table and puts her paw down, " Alright! I've had enough of this, im sensing a horrible evil energy coming from the middle of the town." I gasp and everyone also looked surprised. "UHM LUNA! (Y/N) ?! " Minako coughed. I notice (y/n) wasn't surprised at all though. Luna give in a big inhale and shouted, "The thing is..(Y/N) is Sailor Twinkle!" Everyone including myself were in complete shock. Out of everyone...them..? I couldn't even process it. Luna shook her head and started again, " Theres no time to explain! The energy is growing fast so we need to get to the middle of the town as fast as possible!" We all looked at eachother including (y/n). I was the first to stand up, "Lets do this!" I gave a enthusiastic shout and a smile as i held out a hand. Everyone stared at me for a bit till they all slowly started to stand and grab my hand one by one. "Right!" (y/n) smirks. I grab my broach as everyone else does the same. I then hold it to my chest and shout the words, " Moon Eternal, Make Up! "


        "Alright, since everyone's ready lets head to the middle-" Twinkle interrupted Luna " Wait, my mother asked me to give something to Sailor Moon. Its really important especially since we may be going up against something big. " She explains. Luna looks at her and blinks before returning a answer, " Okay? Go ahead." Twinkle then holds they're hands out while saying something. "Queen Novar of the Stars, i summon thee as i command please come towards me." Suddenly a glowing figure would emerge behind Twinkle and i hear Luna gasps. It was a beautiful lady that i could tell was a hologram just because of the way you could see her glitch a bit. She opened her eyes and acknowledged everyone as she gave a warm smile, "Im very glad you listened, darling. As i was summoned i'll have to make this a bit quick." She then comes towards me and I look deeply at her features as she holds her hands out and something would appear. Everyone lets out gasp as i was speechless. It was a broach that was as beautiful as ever, in the shape of a star with bubbly wings with the rainbow of all the sailor guardians colors. "Sailor Moon, this broach is for you to fight and something for you to keep. I want you to know this is from some of my power that i have granted inside of this broach, i ask you to take good care of it." She'd give me the most beautiful smile ever as i held out my hands and she dropped it in them but it wasnt a hologram.  "Thank you Queen Novar! I don't know what to say..but this'll help me battle right?" She'd nod. "Well then i'll fight for everyone and you too! I promise ill try my best to protect and save everyone!" I'd protest putting my feelings into it. She'd look at me with wide eyes before patting me on the head, "You still are such a kinda hearted girl, one of my favorite things about you. " I was about to speak when the ground started shaking a bit again. "Please chat with my later but theres something else you need to worry about right now, go out there and save the world including all the other guardians." She'd give the others a wave and start to slowly disappear. I reached my hand out desperate to hear more but all she gave me was a closed-eyed smile then she was gone. The ground would stop shaking and suddenly the broach in my hand was glowing. I gave everyone a determined look, " Come on guys! We need to get over there now and save everyone." Everyone nodded and we all ran outside the door. 


       We ran as Luna gave us instructions that the energy she was sensing was coming from the fountain. Everyone was in shock as we saw everything in pieces including the fountain as this black substance was taking it and 'eating' it. "What are those?!" Mars yells as she lifts one leg from it. Ami was scanning the area with her tech, "Im getting some weird energy from this substance, I can see the objects in it but they aren't destroyed..It's more liked they are getting reformed." Luna looks up at her and speaks," Reforming it? Theres no reason to do that but at least it isnt completely destroyed." I give a sweat before looking down at the broach Queen Novar gave me, it was still glowing brightly. I look at Twinkle noticing that they're kneeling while observing the weird black substance. I walk over to her, broach in hand. " Uh hey, sorry for the sudden question but do you know why its glowing?" I ask while showing it to them. They look at me then the broach before answering, "oh yea, no idea..i didn't even know my mother had something like th-" "OH YEA I FORGOT SHE WAS YOUR MOTHER!" They shushed me, "You are being way too loud- Hey wait a minute, is it me or is it way to quiet out here..?" They stood and looked around. "It is pretty quiet but i'd still expect some people to be walking around." I say while standing up. In a moment of time, the substance starts picking up speed and starts to get careless and starts sucking up anything. Luna hisses, "Guys! Stay away from it, its getting dangerous!" I was about to speak until something comes out of the black substance. I was in shock when i saw that familiar prince and some other guards hop out of it. The prince notices us and gives a devilish smirk, "Ah if it isn't the so called Sailor 'Guardians'! Surprised it's all of you and not just that Twinkle." I look at them with wide eyes, "You've been fighting by yourself?!" They give me a unamused look and respond, "Yea, it's not like i can call you down or anything. You didn't know i was even Sailor Twinkle till today." We face back to the prince as he gives an evil little chuckle, "Well since this will be your last time seeing the face of earth i guess i might as well tell you are little plan." Everyone would be on guard as i was a bit nervous. The prince paces around a bit than began to speak, "You see, My darling who will soon be queen of this world wants fame and to rule the entire earth. Anything she may wish will come true as long as im still alive! You guardians will soon be guarding her as her faithful servants, you may as well bow down now!"
       He evilly laughs as I scrunch my face up in visible anger. "Were never gonna work for you! Not now or ever." Venus yells. We all nod in agreement as the prince gives us irradiated look. "I see, i guess i'll just have to kill you then!" He shouts with fury as he rubs his hands together and the ground started to form into a spear and he grabbed it as it set aflame. He then came running at us and started too attack Venus, "I'll make you pay since you have such a big mouth!" Venus managed to dodge most of his hits as Mercury hit him with "Aqua Rhapsody" He groaned in a bit of pain and came after her but then i ran and summoned the Eternal Tiare, dropping the broach. His spear collided with it and i was trying not to let him hurt Mercury ! "Sailor Moon!" Mercury cried. "Hah! Your a fool for letting your little friendship get in the way. You could have ran by now and went on by yourself." He'd snicker while pushing harder on his spear. I gave him a furious look and he sweat a bit, "Thats something I'd never ever do! I care deeply about my friends because they are like family to me and mean the world. I'd do anything for them and they would do the same for me!" I put a lot more pressure on the Tiare and he dropped on the ground and grunted. I looked down at him, " If you'd actually have friend you'd know the feeling even seeing if they got hurt would hurt you even more, i would never in my life leave them and they're not leaving me!" I'd shout at him with rage and honesty.  I notice behind me a flashing light and it was the broach. I gave a gasp and ran towards it and picked it up. The prince would attempt to grab his spear but Twinkle crushed it with they're heel. "Oops!"
        I'd grab the broach and suddenly it combined with my Original and become one. I become wide eyed as suddenly i knew the words and with a determined feeling id raise it in the air and shout, 

    "Eternal Star Power, Make Up!" 

(You may imagine this transformation however you want! I'll try to describe what she looks like as best as i can. Her hair is the same except it now has 3 stars on each of her bangs, the moon on her head is the same except it has a star shape under it.  Her sailor uniform: Sleeves;  they are still poofy balls but instead it has a star outlines inside on each shoulder. Colors: the colors are basically the same but just a bit lighter. Skirt; Its the exact same but her ribbon in the back is way longer. (down to the back of her knees.) Heels/Boots; Same except the moons are ofc stars now. Wings: Her wings are now the same as her broach ( if you watch card captor sakura i think you know the tiny cute wings im talking about or you can look it up !!)  Also, her wand is now called " Septer SR " and you can imagine it however you want but it is star shaped!!)

I did my famous pose while grabbing the star shaped wand and aiming it at the prince. He winced and shook his head, "Theres no way.. the Queen wouldn't let me die...would she?" I give him a disappointing face, "I told you, real friends are people who always have they're back for you and would never ever leave you. Does your so called 'queen' even care about you?!" He looks to the side while gritting his teeth. I put my Septer down in forgiveness, " I know you don't trust us either but she didn't even try to save you. Didn't even call out your name." I give him a warm smile, "Join us, wont you?" 

to be continued...

** i hope this chapter wasnt too confusing, i know i made a tiny bit of mistakes but i hope you'll understand. this was really long and i put a lot of thought into this!! i hope you liked it though, ciao my friends ! ૮ ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶ ა **

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