CHPT. 21

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3rd POV


Everyone hopped out of the crack in the cognition and ended up back in the castle landing in many different ways, "Oww... that hurt." Twinkle says while they notice Moon on top of them. "Are we alive?" Jupiter asks while standing up again. "You guys!" Luna runs over and looks at us, "You didn't make it through the uh..cognition thingy?" Venus questions. Luna would shake her head including Artemis. "Pluto!" Chibi-Moon shouts as she clings on to her. Moon would stand off of Twinkle making them sigh, "The outer-guardians? What are you guys doing here." Uranus gave her a smirk while walking over to her as the other outer guardians also did the same, "We came because we sensed the stop of time including your presences. The thing is, you weren't anywhere to be found but we felt you were in these walls." Pluto explains while holding her garnet rod. " You came out of nowhere as the small evil presence we felt was gone and you have came surging out of some 'black hole' in the air." Neptune finishes plus crossing her arms.
Mercury goes into thought, spilling them out loud, "So in the cognitive mind we are technically here but not at the same time..this is quite odd." For a moment everything felt silenced till Twinkle realized something. "Uhm..sorry to break the silence but shouldn't this castle technically be like, falling down since the 'ruler' is gone?" Everyone looked at them for a moment "Well I dunno! I just thought so.." Albai started, "Considering this world of ruin was run by her it might have changed? Let us check the outside." Albai started to walk out of the door and everyone followed in agreement.
As the guardians plus the prince made it outside, they all went in shock as the outside was like a diamond clear city. Instead of the rubbish wasteland it used to be it looked like something out of those fake live-action movies. "Its..beautiful.." Mars states as she stared at the cities. "This reminds me of the Crystal Palace a bit." Pluto says amazed. Albai balled his fist, "I still can't believe that wretched lady tricked me into thinking she was a amazing icon. We were going to rule the earth together and become one!" The prince gritted his teeth. Sailor Moon would look at him with pity and a drop of sadness. "Albai..." He'd cross his arms and look to the side, " Oh well, it couldn't have been helped anyways. Glad shes gone." Luna looked at him with concern, "Well you both have the same type of white hair...kind of like siblings." Luna asks a bit grossed out. "Eh?! Thats only because that crusty thing was old! She changed her appearance to look like a young woman. Dont compare me to her anymore." Luna sweated "Erm...sorry.."
Mercury perked up, "We have to get back to see if the cities back to moving again too, lets head home and hope nothing bad happens for now." Everyone agreed and were about to go down the stairs when they realized the castle was floating. "Just GREAT!" Mars scoffed. "That's why we got such a good view..." Mercury scratched her hair in disappointment. "How did we not notice this earlier.." Twinkle groans. Albai looks at them, "Well obviously you didn't either." Twinkle gave him a glare before they'd summon their septer. "Where is the exit though?" They ask kind of looking at Mercury for a answer.
"The door over there from where we first came in of course." Albai pointed all the way on the other side. "Thats pretty far..especially since were kinda floating in the air." Venus mentions. Twinkle flips their hair dramatically before pointing the star side of their septer towards the door and it would turn into a broom. "Taa-daa!" Twinkle would bow as everyone was pretty confused. "I really don't think we can all fit on th-" Neptune was cut off by Twinkle groaning, "Fine, Fine. Everyone stand together for a moment." The guardians plus the prince shrugged and stood together. "What now?" Moon questions. Twinkle turned the broom back into they're original septer and pointed at the group making some of them flinch a bit. Luna raised her eyebrow, even her confused as everyone else. "Soar Feather Tyson!" Twinkle yelled as it was bright. "What ha-" Venus was about to finish till she sees on her back she had yellow wings.
Twinkle had used an old power Queen Serenity had taught her.


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