CHPT. 16

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** sorry for not updating. **

Your POV
It's been some days and I still haven't seen the sailor guardians nor sailor moon. It's getting hella' annoying since I'm the only one fighting around all alone, though I have to admit I do prefer doing things independently sometimes. It's a nice Thursday and I'm in the local cafe studying for a upcoming quiz, I order (Your Choice Of Drink) and wait for a bit. Id say if I could do this everyday I really would! It's so pea- "HEY (Y/N)!" A familiar high pitched voice yells. "Usa?!" I say in shock as she skips toward my table. " I didn't think you'd be here! I was gonna get some donuts but maybe we could hangout..?" She twiddles with her fingers while looking at me. I give her a blink but then smile, "of course, I'll pay for anything you want if you'd like."
"aannythingggg..?" She stretches the word while giving me and evil grin. "Not the whole menu...geez" "I was just gonna ask for a strawberry donut! Hmph." She crosses her arms. "Okay, oka-" "Here's your drink! Please enjoy." The waitress would sit my drink by me. "Thank you." "Oh wait up! Could I have a strawberry donut please...!" Usagi calls the waitress back. "Sure thing!" The waitress bows politely and goes on about.
Me and usagi catched up a bit while I study at the same time, something usagi will definitely never do.
"Wowww really? I've wanted that dress for so long I can't believe that millionaire bought it!" Usagi speaks then chomping on her donut. "Yea I know right? She must have liked it too" I chuckle. I zone out thinking about how sailor moon is right infront of me. This beautiful bun-head is her, she is Serenity. I stare into oblivion for awhile until usagi snaps me out of it, I loved her big ocean orbs and how they would always shine no matter what emotion. She Is Light.

??? POV
   "RAHHHHHHH! THIS IS GETTING ANNOYING, WE'VE LOST TO THAT HIDEOUS 'sailor twinkle' SO MANY TIMES! IF YOUR HERE ATLEAST GIVE ME SOME GOOD NEWS PRINCE." The voice would shout through the walls of the darkness. "My darling, please do not scream and pout. Thou I've brought you some good news...we have gathered lots of kira, enough to dominate the world and to get you out of the void." The Prince says while kneeling and smiling. "..oh really?" The voice would giggle and continue, "well've done well my prince, it's time for us to dominate the world! I'll have something out by tomorrow..keep waiting and we'll be there to rule the entirety of this earth and gain fame. The last thing we need is the Star Greek Stone and we're officially done! Ahahahahah..!?" She'd give a creepy laugh that somehow the Prince found attractive. 

Your POV


         Usagi decided to walk me home since it was getting late, I didn't mind so we walked together towards my apartment. I don't know why I noticed but my face felt really hot when i was with Usagi nowadays. It's a weird feeling i can't describe and i hate feeling this way without knowing what it is so i decide to ask her cursorily, "Hey uh, Usa?" She'd look at me. "Whats that feeling when you get all warm and you're face is hot when your around someone?" I tilt my head looking for a answer. She surprised me when she started laughing uncontrollably out loud. "Di- Did i say something wrong?!" I panic a bit. She wipes her tears from her laughing and looks up at me, " No silly, thats the feeling i get around when im with mamo, thats just love. OOO~ do you have a crush on someone? Hey! Hey?! (y/n) you alright? helllooooooo?" I was feeling guilty and shocked including so many emotions at once, i knew my face was beat red and my heart was pumping out of my chest. Im in love..with Usagi..?


     Usagi dropped me off at my house but i was still so damn flustered. I could barley move myself and all i could think about is What? How? Why? When? HUUUHHH?! I jumped onto my bed and took my pillow and rolled around with it and squealed. "Is it true..? Do i really have feelings for Usagi?" I ask myself. I then force myself to get up because i needed too shower away this long day plus from the overthinking..

   After i got out the shower and changed i was putting on my socks when i got a ding! from my phone, 

Usagi ♡ : hiyaa! soooo..are you gonna tell me your crush or not? whos the lucky guy! maybe girl..?

Me : Aha- no no usa, i dont have a crush or anything my friend from my old school was just asking me and i thought about it at the moment. 

Usagi ♡ : hmm..i feel like your lying to me! tell meeee!!!

Me : usa... im not lying i promise..!

Usagi ♡ : i still dont believe you but im gonna head to bed, night! 

Me : yea, gn. sweet dreams ! 

I look up from my phone and realize im blushing a bit. I put my phone on my near desk and hook it to my charger, i head to the kitchen for a little night snack and decide to head to bed because i was tired from today. I get in my covers and stare at the ceiling for a bit before i finally admit it. 
                                                                   I really like Usagi, huh?

Prince POV

          As I look down at the night of the earth, i realize how fun this may be to gain "fame". My darling cetus will rule this world and become what she dreams of, i'll help my dear maiden till the day i die. I hope from lam-post to lam-post and jump down to a street. I notice how many humans are asleep at this hour as their kira isn't radiating. I looked around the streets of the earth wondering what we should do with this shops and cafes when we rule. I smirk as I walked down more streets wishing to see this world over by my darling cetus. 


Dream POV;; Usagi

    I wake up in some weird kind of candy land.."Where am i?" I ask, nobody answering. The candy then starts molding while i get up and look around, "Hello! HELLOOO! Anyone?!" I yell while running. The mold made a horrible stench but then i make it to a mirror and i gasp when im wearing the dress that my former past self serenity wears, but it was different. It was like it was made out of candy..mostly cotton candy while the pearls are made out of gumballs. The mirror sucks me in and i scream as some sugary substance clings onto me and drags me down deeper into the mirror. I land softly on some gummy bear as i see a gnome eating it, "Hey you!" The gnome looks at me as i see it has a long white beard and a red hat with some trousers. "Do you know where we are ?!" I jump down from the gummy bear somehow not breaking a bone. "Yes dear, were at the Candy kingdom? Ohohoho! My my, you're the queen i can't believe it! What are you doing out of the castle if i may ask." He brushes his beard with his fingers. "QUEEN?! Well uh i dont know plus where even is my castle?" I ask the gnome. "Just up that hill m'lady." He points. "Okay! Thank you so so so so so so much!" I say and wave him off. "Weird.." He goes back to eating the gummy bear.
            I run toward the castle almost tripping about 4 times but i still was running, "Wow! The queen out of her castle thats rare, shes so beautiful!" A nerdy voice says in awe.  I look towards it and its a gingerbread man with the most sparkling eyes looking at me. " Beautiful?" He nods his head frantically , "Of course you my queen! Your the most gorgeous queen we've ever had ! we all respect you so much." My eyes go wide as i give the biggest most happiest smile ever. I dont care if this is some dream! This is HEAVEN. I giggle and try my best at a 'royal' voice, "Ohh my dear..! How sweet of you, such a kind gentlemen." I give a chuckle. "ME?!" He'd jumped up and down and pass out. "Maybe he was way too excited.." As i walk toward the castle i felt like the most best person in the world, everyone worshipped me and loved me ! Im staying in this dream forever....."USSSSSSSAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGGGGGGGGIIIIIIIIIIIII!" Luna shouted with utter rage and scratched her.
      "LUNA! What was that for i was in the middle of a dre- NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO" I shout in disappointment. "Whats with you?! You were trying to eat my head off! Plus you were squeezing me to death." She shoots back. "I was a queen. I WAS A QUEEN!! " I yell determined . "Uhmm..." Luna looked at me with concern but i didn't care because i was crying my eyes out, "Uh..Usagi you realize you're a queen in the future .." Luna looks at me and her eyebrow quivers. "I DON'T CARE! I WANT MORE SWEETS!!" I shout and cry at the same time. Luna's ear twitches when she hears someones footsteps. "Us-" "USAGI WILL YOU HUSH? IM TRYING TO SLEEP WE HAVE SCHOOL TOMMOROW!" Chibiusa shouts at me. "..Sorry.." I say sadly and lay back down with the tears still in my eyes. Luna sighed and told Chibiusa that she could handle it and go back to sleep. "Listen usagi.. i know you had some weird dream but it isn't reality so get over it.." She stretches and lays back down, "Plus im tired and i know you are too." I was about to say something but i see her purr as she slept soundly. I giggle a bit and wipe my tears and drift into oblivion again.


** woooo a lot of writing..1697 words !! sorry for not updating i tried to make this longer too, ciao my friends! ** ♡♡

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